"Freeplane" plain line articulator, aluminium, boxed with accessories and instructions, by the Amalgamated Dental Co., England, 1955-1965 "Freeplane" plain line articulator 1955-1965
Average condylar guidance dental articulator, with face bow, aluminium, by S.S. White (G. B.) Ltd., London, 1945-1960 Average condylar guidance dental articulator 1945-1960
Four assorted simple forke plane line dental articulators, bronze, English, 1920-1960 Four assorted simple forke plane line dental articulators 1920-1960
Stephan model P plain line articulator, boxed, with instructions, by the Crescent Dental Manufacturing Co., 1837-1845 South Pulaski Road, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 1940-1970. Stephan model P plain line articulator 1940-1970
Fenn average coudylar guidance articulator, alloy frame, by the S.S. White Co., England, 1930-1940 Fenn average coudylar guidance articulator 1930-1940
Four assorted figure 6 plane line dental articulators, bronze, English, 1920-1950 Four assorted figure 6 plane line dental articulators 1920-1950