Diagram book issued by the British Railways Board Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department, entitled 'Vehicle Diagram Book No300 for Privately Owned Frieght Vehicles (Part 2)'. Includes private owner vehicle index. A4 photocopied pages in white card cover with metal binding. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 300 for Privately Owned Freight Vehicles (Part 2)
British Railways book of Diagrams of Freight Stock, containing diagrams of all types of covered and open wagons, carriage trucks, carflats, tank wagons etc. Diagrams of Freight Stock
British Rail Private Owners Freight Stock Diagram Book, containing diagrams of privately-owned tank wagons, grain vans, tank-carrying wagons, fertiliser wagons, cement wagons, sewage diposal wagons, wagons for carrying nuclear cores, hopper wagons, bolster wagons etc. Private Owners Freight Stock Diagram Book
British Rail "Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 1) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles" covering vehicle diagram references BA to CZ, July 1982. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 1) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles 1982
British Rail "Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 2) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles" covering vehicle diagram references FB to MX, July 1982. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 2) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles 1982
Book, diagram book, paper with plastic spiral binding, 'Main Line Diesel Locomotive Diagrams,' produced by British Railways, issued from the Drawing Office, Swindon Works, 21 August 1961. Contains diagrams and details of main line diesel-electric and diesel-hydraulic locomotives. Document no. DML O74. Main Line Diesel Locomotive Diagrams 1961
Great Northern Railway Diagram Book - contains approx. 66 diagrams of various classes of locomotive built at Doncaster. Issed 1922. Great Northern Railway diagram book 1922
Diagram book, paper with card covers, Electric Multiple Units Profiles & General Information, issued by the BR (Eastern Region) Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Liverpool Street, London, Feb. 1979. Small outline diagrams of multiple unit formations, giving information such as speed, seats, numbers, weight etc., presumably intended as a driver's pocket reference. Made up from revision D of drawing no. C3/O/1. First version was issued in Jan. 1974 Electric Multiple Units Profiles & General Information 1979-02
Tender Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives, giving leading dimensions and weight ratios. Stamped with an LNER Doncaster Drawing Office stamp which is dated 23 October 1939. Tender Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives circa 1939
Bound set of diagrams for LMS experimental articulated 3-car diesel train (2 copies) Bound set of diagrams for LMS experimental articulated 3-car diesel train (2 copies)
Diagram book, paper with card covers, Electric Locomotive Diagram Book, issued by the British Railways Board Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Department, Derby, April 1974, document no. MT/26. Contains diagrams of British Rail electric locomotives. A diagram of the Class 87/1 issued in April 1975 has been added in. Electric Locomotive Diagram Book 1974-04
Diagram book, paper with card covers, Freight Vehicle Suspensions, issued by the British Rail Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Derby, Jan. 1976. Contains small diagrams of BR wagon suspension arrangements. Freight Vehicle Suspensions 1976-01
Diagram book, paper with card covers and plastic spine, Electric Locomotive Diagram Book, issued by the British Railways Board Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Department, The Railway Technical Centre, Derby. Document number MT/26. Electric Locomotive Diagram Book 1974-04
Diagram book issued by the British Railways Board Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department, Derby, entitled 'Vehicle Diagram Book No120 for Shunting Diesel Locomotives', December 1981. A4 photocopied pages in yellow card cover with metal binding. Vehicle Diagram Book No 120 for Shunting Diesel Locomotives. 1981, December
British Rail Container Stock Diagram Book, containing diagrams of various types of container used on British Rail, including standard types of container, meat containers, Speedfreight containers, Freightliner open containers, tote bins etc. B. R. Container Stock Diagram Book
Tank Engines - diagram book containing diagrams of various locomotives with leading dimensions, weight ratios etc. given. Tank Engines - diagram book containing diagrams of various locomotives with leading dimensions
British Rail "Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 5) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles" covering vehicle diagram references XA to XZ (specially constructed vehicles), June 1981. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 5) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles 1981
Diagram Book containing diagrams of all main line diesel locomotives including prototype HST power car. Includes some photographs. Publication No. MT/25, issued by the Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, The Railway Technical Centre, Derby. Details of revisions and an update of Oct. 1973 inserted in the front. B.R. Main Line Diesel Locomotive Diagram Book 1973
British Rail "Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 4) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles" covering vehicle diagram references SA to VW, July 1982. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 4) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles 1982
British Rail "Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 3) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles" covering vehicle diagram references OA to RT, July 1982. Vehicle Diagram Book No. 320 (Part 3) for B.R. Revenue Freight Vehicles 1982
British Railways Coaching Stock Diagram Book, containing coaching stock diagrams from the numbers BR 1 to BR 549. British Railways Coaching Stock Diagram Book
Diagram book, paper with card covers and brass holding screws, British Railways Diagrams of Coaching Stock. Contains diagrams of British Railways / British Rail coaching stock from the 1950s to the 1970s (includes APT coaches). Diagrams are numbered BR/1 to BR/960, but the sequence is not complete as diagrams have been added and condemned stock diagrams removed. British Railways Diagrams of Coaching Stock
Volume of carriage diagrams entitled 'Carriage Diagrams SSA'. Probably relating to the London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) North British Section. Diagrams are mainly of North British Railway (NBR) carriage and passenger rated stock. Fragile Carriage Diagrams SSA 1926
Tank Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives, giving leading dimensions and weight ratios. Stamped with an LNER Doncaster Drawing Office stamp which is dated 23 October 1939. Tank Engine Diagrams - bound LNER diagram book with diagrams of various locomotives circa 1939
Small book of blueprint diagrams of LNER steam locomotives. Unusual style of diagram book - much smaller than the usual format, and the diagrams are far cruder. Gives details such as height, length, water capacity, load etc. Possibly a "quick reference" book for drivers, depot staff etc. Diagrams of LNER Engines (supplied title)