Sectional drawing (scale 1:2) of cylinder of Dorman-Ricardo compression-ignition oil engine, 1933 Sectional drawing (scale 1:2) of cylinder of Dorman-Ricardo compression-ignition oil engine
Perkins 4 cylinder compression-ignition motor car diesel engine with electric motor and chain drive, 1963, sectioned Perkins 4 cylinder compression-ignition motor car diesel engine with electric motor and chain drive 1963
Experimental automotive 4 cylinder diesel engine. Used in noise reduction tests Experimental automotive 4 cylinder diesel engine
Lohmann - Hispano 18cc motor cycle diesel engine, 1950 Lohmann - Hispano 18cc motor cycle diesel engine 1950
Commer TS3 opposed piston diesel engine c. 1954, sectioned Commer TS3 opposed piston diesel engine c. 1954 1954
A.E.C. 7.7 litre diesel engine and gearbox, 1936-39 A.E.C. diesel engine and gearbox, 1936-1939 1936-1939
Dorman-Ricardo 4-cylinder diesel engine, type 4.D.S. engine no. 28016, made by W.H. Dorman & Co. Ltd., 1934 Dorman-Ricardo 4-cylinder diesel engine 1934