Diffusion cell, 1850 : bottle with ground glass plate. Associated with Thomas Graham. Diffusion cell 1850
Tubes for atmolysis, 1863: pipeclay tube 1.5" diameter with brass ends. Associated with Thomas Graham (1805-1869), atmolysis is a term defined by Thomas Graham as the separation of a mixture of gases with differing diffusibilty by diffusing them through a porous diaphragm. Tubes for atmolysis used by Thomas Graham 1863
One set (3) Morokhovets' dialysing filters with 3 funnels, 1 water holder, 1 stand to take 3 funnels One set (3) Morokhovets' dialysing filters with 3 funnels
Silk bag air dialyser, 1866: waterproof silk bag, india rubber tube with clip. Associated with Thomas Graham. Silk bag air dialyser 1866
Glasbowl dialyser, 1861 : parchment paper in bottle, two colloid substances in bottle, one crystalline substance in bottle, a large glass bowl, a gutta percha hoop. Associated with Thomas Graham. diffusion apparatus 1861