On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Wooden display case


Specimens of cinchona bark, four types, with sample of quinine sulphate crystals, arranged to distinguish yield, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona bark in case


Display case, mahogany and glass, with sloping top and drawers in base, English, 1870-1950

Display case


Early 20th century domed glass display case

Early 20th century domed glass display case


Mahogany display case, hinged front, glass with wooden frame, containing various amulets from the British Isles, France and Ireland, English, 1931-1945

Mahogany display case


Glass display dome, wooden base, containing two Colorado potato beetles from Nebraska, USA, case English, 1880-1950

Glass display dome


2 matching display cases, glass and mahogany, sloping tops, Engish, 1870-1950

2 matching display cases


Early 20th century domed glass display case

Early 20th century domed glass display case


Specimens of cinchona lancifolia bark, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona lancifolia bark


Rectangular display case of wood with glass fonit containing specimen of Peruvian bark, displayed in 1930, Wellcome Exhibition, once in Howard collection, cased in England, 1851

Rectangular display case of wood with glass fonit containing specimen of Peruvian bark


Specimens of cinchona intida bark, probably from Peru, in glazed case, of English commerce, Howard collection, 1850-1900

Specimens of cinchona intida bark


Rectangular display case with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark displayed in 1930 Cinchona Exhibition, probably grown 1830-1850, no provenance, cased in England 1850-1880

Rectangular display case with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark displayed in 1930 Cinchona Exhibition


Display case containing specimen of cinchona bark from the Howard collection displayed in 1930 Wellcome cinchona Exhibition, probably grown in Peru and Bogota, 1830-1850, cased in England, about 1851

Display case containing specimen of cinchona bark from the Howard collection


Specimens of cinchona ovata bark, named by M. Weddell, in glazed case, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Specimens of cinchona ovata bark


Specimens of two varities of bark of cinchona scrobiculata, named by M. Weddell, in glazed case, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Specimens of two varities of bark of cinchona scrobiculata


Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark, probably from Peru, arranged by M. Guibourt, 1836, in glazed case, Howard collection

Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark


Glazed display case, containing specimens of four types of cinchona barks, arranged by M. Guibourt in 1836, ex Howard collection

Glazed display case


Early 20th century domed glass display case

Early 20th century domed glass display case


Oak display case with glass front containing four bones of a horse associated with the ear, prepared and labelled by George Curier, French, 1900-1930

Oak display case with glass front containing four bones of a horse associated with the ear


Display case, with folding doors, mahogany, English, 1870-1950

Display case


Flat rectangular display case on table support, mahogany and glass, English, 1870-1950

Flat rectangular display case on table support


Display case, rectangular, wood and glass, English, 1910-1950

Display case


Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark, named by M. Weddell, in glazed case, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark


Display case containing 7 pieces of cinchona bark, from the Howard collection, displayed in 1930 Wellcome Cinchona Exhibition, grown in Peru, 1830-1850, cased in England, 1851

Display case containing 7 pieces of cinchona bark


Display case containing 4 groups of different types of cinchona bark, from M.G.Guibourt, probably collected 1830-1836, displayed in 1930 Wellcome Cinchona Exhibition, cased in England, 1836-1850

Display case containing 4 groups of different types of cinchona bark


Display case containing 6 groups of different types of cinchona bark, from M.Guibourt, displayed in 1930 Wellcome Cinchona Exhibition, probably collected 1830-1836, no provenance, cased in England, 1836-1850

Display case containing 6 groups of different types of cinchona bark


Specimens of cinchona bark, three types, arranged to distinguish yield, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona bark


Rectangular display case of wood with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark ( micrantha) displayed in 1930 Cinchona Exhibition, bark grown, Peru and Bolivia, 1830-1850, cased in England, About 1851

Rectangular display case of wood with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark


Rectangular display case with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark, from the Howard collection, displayed in 1930 Cinchona Exhibition, grown in Bogota, 1830-1850, cased in England, presumably about 1851

Rectangular display case with glass front containing specimen of cinchona bark


Specimens of cinchona officinalis bark, from Darjeeling, India, 1873, crop collected by Mr. Jaffrey, in earlier glazed case, Howard collection

Specimens of cinchona officinalis bark


Specimens of spurious cinchona scrobiculata bark, from Peru, in glazed case, Howard Collection, 1830-1890

Specimens of spurious cinchona scrobiculata bark


Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark, named by M. Weddell, in glazed case, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Specimens of cinchona calisaya bark


Specimens of cinchona ovata bark, probably from Peru, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona ovata bark


Specimens of cinchona bark, three types, arranged to distinguish yield, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona bark


Specimens of cinchona bark, four types, arranged to distinguish yield, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1830-1900

Specimens of cinchona bark


Specimens of cinchona condaminea and purpurea barks, probably from Peru, in glazed case of English commerce, Howard collection, 1850-1900

Specimens of cinchona condaminea and purpurea barks


Specimens of cinchona condaminea bark, named by M. Weddell, in glazed ase, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Specimens of cinchona condaminea bark


Specimens of cinchona bark, three types, arranged to distinguish yield, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1850-1860

Specimens of cinchona bark in display case


Four specimens of cinchona barks, in glazed case, named by M. Weddell, Howard collection, cased in 1851

Four specimens of cinchona barks


Specimens of cinchona condaminea bark presented by Dr. Pereira to Howard in 1852 in glazed case, Howard collection, 1852-1860

Specimens of cinchona condaminea bark presented by Dr. Pereira to Howard in 1852 in glazed case


Two specimens of cinchona calisaya bark, in glazed case, named by M. Weddell, Howard collection, cased 1851

Two specimens of cinchona calisaya bark


Specimens of cinchona bark, probably from Peru, arranged by M. Guibourt, 1836, in glazed case, Howard collection

Specimens of cinchona bark


Specimens of cinchona officinalis bark, of London commerce, 1870, probably from Peru, in glazed case, Howard collection, 1870

Specimens of cinchona officinalis bark
