Object type
Place of origin

DVD-R 'Bob Davies, passenger on the '15 Guinea special'

Audio file containing an explanation of railnet mail by rail system. Possibly for a interactive screen in an exhibition

DVD-R 'Post office interviews'

interview with Antony Coulls in the Dynamometer car, Duration 00:09:44

DVD-R 'BBC Look north mallard 75 New broadcast'

DVD-R 'BBC Timeline Broadcast on the North East Railway line'

DVD-R 'BBC Timeline Broadcast on the North East Railway line'


3 films on Sierra Leone Railways for an exhibition. 3 data disks and 1 disk suitable for DVD players

DVD-R 'Sierra Leone 3 Films'

Films about the night ferry from London to Paris and the cross channel freight.

DVD-R 'Night Ferry (1956) and Cross Channel Freight (1956)'

film about the signalling training model, interviews with the operators etc

DVD-R- Lancashire and Yorkshire School of Signalling'

1980s adverts for Sealink ferries. With Claire Francis MBE

DVD-R 'Copy of Sealink Advert'


WOW film about he Yorkshire Wheel. Footage of people on the wheel and surrounding areas.

DVD-R 'The Yorkshire Wheel'

Footage of trains going past in the snow, possibly Chris Hogg footage


5 adverts for the National Railway Museum, aimed at enthusiasts, families and explaining the role of the learning team.

DVD-R 'NRM adverts- family and learning'

Duration 00:00:22

DVD-R 'Bombay Railway Trailer BBC4 '

Educational film about coal and coal wagons. Filmed in locomotion with the Friends of the National Railway Museum (North) explaining the importance of the MGR wagon at Locomotion

DVD-R 'The MGR 'Hi-Cap' Story'

film showing the gauge 1 railfest held in the marquee in national railway Museum in 2012.

DVD-R 'Gauge 1 at Railfest 2012'



DVD-R 'Interview with Tim Green'


a national railway Museum film detailing the progress on re fitting the flying Scotsman boiler. With commentary. Edited

DVD-R 'Flying Scotsman 2007'


promotional Eurostar film sent by the Eurostar company to the Museum for display in the Eurostar exhibit. Contains footage of the waterloo International Station, onboard etc

DVD-R 'Eurostar'



DVD-R 'An interview with Kenneth Dunderdale, working on wartime railways'



DVD-R 'Interview with Gordon Dowall-Potter, GNER customer service manager'


DVD-R 'Reels and Rails'

DVD-R 'Reels and Rails'

Master according handwritten label

DVD-R 'John Anderson's piano'

GNER printed on DVD, HST A new lease of life, 12/03/2007, GNER corporate/promotional video on refurbished HST (Intercity 225), refreshing the fleet, including footage on board of HSTs being refurbished and completed, footage of public launch of refurbished GNER HST at Kings Cross, GNER representatives and others speaking: Richard McClean (GNER Operations director), John Meehan (Managing director Wabtec Ltd.), David Billmore (GNER Senior Technical Advisor York), Keith Mack (Project engineer HST continuance project), Richard Bourne (Fleet Development engineer), Tony Brown (GNER Manager fleet engineering), Mark Kynman (Project Manager Wabtec Rail), end with inaugural journel on board of freshly refurbished train, footage of first class and Ian McMillan reading/performing a poem about HST as hommage to the Night Mail poem ; duration: 7min50

TV news coverage 'HST A New Lease of Life'


2 edited videos, broadcasted extracts about Environmentally friendly-rail travel on 03/09/2007: BBC1 North East & Cumbria (Look North) including short footage of Newcastle station ; ITV1 Tyne Tees (North East Tonight) Newcastle station, GNER had green carpet installed in the station, including interviews with passengers, John Gelson (GNER), questionning carbon emission by rail compare to planes ; ITV1 Tyne Tees (North East Tonight) gree carpet installed in Newcastle Central station by GNER to convince people to chose train over plane

TV news coverage of 'Environmentally friendly rail travel'


Master handwritten on disc / 4min / Credits: Written by Alan Whitehouse and camera and editing by Chris Hogg

DVD-R master disc 'Flying Scotsman Update December 2004'

Master handwritten on disc / 4min37

DVD-R master disc 'Flying Scotsman Summer 2004'

1 edited video, broadcast extract about GNER losing High Court battle (fail to stop Grand Central to open its service), 27/07/2006: BBC TV 1 North East (Look North) including footage of York station, interviews with John Gelson (GNER), passengers ; 4min45

TV news coverage 'GNER Loses High Court Battle'


Three films compiled together in one DVD of 40 minutes in total

DVD-R Compilation Disc 'Letter for Wales + Flying Scotsman Update Pridhams October 2007 + 30 Million Acres'

edited videos, broadcast extracts about National Rail Awards, 06/09/2007: ITV Tyne Tees (Pontop) (North East Tonight) Newcastle station elected Britain's station of the year, with footage of Newcatsle Central station ; BBC TV 1 North East (Look North) Newcastle station named as Britain's railway station of teh year, footage of Newcastle station ; 1 minute

TV news coverage of 'National Rail Awards'


Grand Central television advert broadcasted on ITV Tyne Tees (Pontop) 18/09/2007, Advertising simplicity of Grand Central compairing to other competitors on the same route: a single ticket type compare to competitors who have many different ticket type, cheap return tickets between North East and London, end slogan 'Grand Central the train you've been waiting for' / Grand Central leaflet inside DVD case, promotional offer and timetable until May 2008 between Sunderland and London Kings Cross / Advert recorded by TNS for GNER

GNER TV advert for 'Grand Central'


1 edited video, broadcast extract about GNER could stay in York on 10/04/2007, BBC TV 1 North (Leeds & Sheffield) (Look North) GNER becoming part of Virgin group, with thransport correspondent Alan Whitehouse, including footage of York station, interviews with Jonathan Metcalfe (GNER), Brian Brock (Transport salaried staffs association) ; 2min7

TV news coverage 'GNER Could Stay in York'


DVD-R 'National Railway Museum. India on the Move Project. Character Disc 3'

DVD-R 'National Railway Museum. India on the Move Project. Character Disc 3'

NRM printed label / Copyright NRM on pictures / DVD with menu, only Flying Scotsman film: compilation of film extract (video and film) / 14 minutes

DVD-R 'Flying Scotsman film clips'

3 edited videos, broadcast extracts about Eurostar launch of services from North England to mainland Europe: ITV 1 Yorkshire West (Calendar, 14/11/2007) hish speed train between Leeds and Brussels in 5 hours total, on GNER service to London Kings Cross, footage of brand new St Pancras station and its champagne bar, interview with Nick Mercer (Eurostar), footage on board Eurostar and first class and in Brussels ; BBC 1 Yorkshire (Look North, 15/11/2007), new Eurostar terminal moved from Waterloo to St Pancras, two reporters on competition one traveling to Paris by rail the other by plane, leaving from York to Paris (Leeds airport), comparative footage of journey, interview with Philip Meeson (Jet2), Richard Brown (Eurostar), Steve Kimber (Great Rail Journeys), transport strike in Paris on arrival, footage of Paris and Eiffel tower ; BBC 1 North East & Cumbria (Look North, 19/11/2007), reporter travelling from Newcastle to Paris, footage of trip through driver window, interview with John Gelson (GNER), footage of St Pancras new station, first day of Eurostar from St Pancras, interview with Richard Brown (Chief excutive, Eurostar), footage of Eurostar and on board, and Paris Gare du Nord, also mention of strikes in Paris, plus footage of Eiffel tower illuminated ; approx. 12 min total

TV news coverage of 'Eurostar from the North of England to Mainland Europe'


4 edited videos, broadcast extracts about Christmas Travel Update, 22/12/2006: BBC News 24 (2 extracts, News) (travel chaos) including footage live at York station, interview with John Gelson (GNER) ; BBC TV 1 North (Humberside & Sheffield) (Look North) special christmas timetable and GNER extended services ; BBC TV 1 North (Leeds and Sheffield) (Look North) with correspondent Alan Whitehouse from Wakefield ; 9min40 total

TV news coverage of 'Chritsmas Travel Update'


1 edited video, broadcast extract about Jobs for GNER, 04/04/2007, ITV Yorkshire Emley (Calendar) creation of 65 new jobs on GNER with launch of 12 extra services between London and Yorkshire, most posts based in Leeds ; 40 seconds / Cardboard box of VHS and DVDs given by Virgin Trains on 13/07/2015, with pink deposit form (mainly press coverage, company before becoming Virgin Trains: GNER, National Express, East Coast)

TV news coverage 'Jobs for GNER'


4 edited videos, broadcast extracts, Scotland TV (Scotland Today) East Coast Mainline linking Inverness Scotland to London, National Express accused of raising the cost of tickets, aerial footage of Forth Bridge, aerial footage of train on ECML ; BBC News Scotland (Reporting Scotland) National Expres taking over ECML, aerial footage of ECML and Forth bridge ; Scotland TV (Scotland Today) National Express criticised for increasing fare, aerial footage Forth bridge and ECML, footage on board National Express train, interview with Richard Bowker (National Express) ; Scotland TV (Scotland Today) - same, plus National Express on being environmentally friendly ; 6min total

TV news coverage of 'National Express ECML service'

circa 1996-2014

6 edited videos, broadcast extracts on 01-02/08/2007 on a new announcer at York station, an American woman, Rhonda Franks; including interviews with Rhonda Franks and John Gelson (East Coast): ITV 1 Yorkshire (2 extracts, Calendar), BBC 1 N. East & Cumbria (3 extracts, Look North), BBC 1 Yorkshire (1 extract, Look North)

TV news coverage of 'Rhonda Franks is the new station announcer at York'


Contains animated short films created in collaboration with schools and museums the films that the National railway Museum were involved in creating were Victorian railways with St Barnabas CE Primary School, York, Evacuees in collaboration with lakeside Primary School, York and Rocket Race in collaboration with Fishergate Primary School, York.

DVD-R 'Anim8ed Stories Volume 1'

2 edited videos, broadcasted extracts, 04/09/2006: BBC 1 North East & Cumbria (Look North) Sea Container (parent company to GNER) debts, including footage of York station, competition with Grand Central, questions future of East Coast Main Line franchise and job cuts at GNER ; ITV 1 Tyne Tees (Pontop) (North East Tonight) GNER re-negociating contract for 10 years franchise of East Coast Main Line with Department of Transport, including footage of Newcastle station ; 4min total

TV news coverage 'GNER Cash Crisis'


3 edited videos, 3 interviews with Richard Bowker by John Gelson likely made to show to Natioanl Express ECML staff; 1st interview talking about 09/09/2007 run of launch train of National Express East Coast (2min15) ; 2nd interview on key priorities for National Express East Coast for the 12-18 months to come (maintain performance, making travel simpler...), how to develop loyalty to new brand National Express, committed investments in East Coast Main Line, current situation for economy in the UK and National Express position, how not to do like GNER, importance of every member of staff in making travel easier, etc. (5min) ; 3rd interview on the National Express Brand ; files dated from 28/09/2008 / Handwritten title on label

TV coverage 'Richard Bowker Interviews'

circa 2008

Master handwritten on disc / Edited film with commentary by Rod Lytton, about the pressing of new boiler backhead / 5min / DVD with menu, one film to chose

DVD-R 'Flying Scotsman Update Pridhams October 2007'

Duration: 5 min

DVD-R 'Flying Scotsman Update May-June 2005'

1 edited video, broadcast extract, 05/06/2008, about regulating broadband advertising in general and using internet on train, BBC 1 (One O'Clock News): Britain's broadband revolution, new rules for broadband company to tell exactly the internet speed they can actually deliver to clients depending on where they are, using new wireless technology, reporter on taking train with wifi facilities, train to South from Edinburgh with free wifi internet, slow internet but train company makes no claim about the speed of internet compare to fixed broadband company who does and sometimes can't deliver the speed offered

TV and news coverage 'Regulating broadband advertising on trains'


edited video, broadcast extract from Scotsland Today, 28/04/2007 on Driver Simulator launch in Edinburgh, computer system to help driver test in various situation, including footage of Edinburgh station, images of simulator its controls and projector screen (simulating weather conditions, faults, etc), footage of actual simulation, reporter testing simulator, with Paul Lartley (GNER Simulator manager), interview with a driver (David Bowie or David Bowle) ; 2 minutes

TV news coverage of 'Driver simulator launch (Edinburgh)'


2 edited videos, broadcast extracts about GNER jobs losses, 10/10/2006: BBC TV 1 North (Leeds and Sheffield) (Look North), including footage of York (Alan Whitehouse news correspondant, live in York), interviews with passenger (Georgina Mitchell), Chris Cheek (Editor, Rail Industry Monitor), Allen Heath (RMT Rail Union), Jonathan Metcalfe (Chief executive GNER) ; BBC TV 1 North East (Look North) including footage of Newcastle station, interviews with passengers, Allen Heath (RMT Rail Union) and Jonathan Metcalfe (Chief executive GNER) ; 9min30 total

TV news coverage 'GNER Jobs losses'


Starts with film on DVD of update 2004, followed by digitised Railway Roundabout: Two Dukedogs to Barmouth (uncomplete), followed by man interviewed in NRM talking about the Deltic, followed by documentary on coal provided to station in UK, followed by engine sounds and still B&W photographs of A4s (Mallard type) / 40 minutes in total

DVD-R master disc 'Flying Scotsman Update December 2005'


6 edited videos, broadcast extracts about the launch of a new National Express Rail service, 09-13/12/2007: BBC 1 North East & Cumbria (3 extracts, Look North) footage of last GNER service, interview with Lee Garrett (GNER driver), passengers, John Gelson (GNER) - New National Express service, interview with John Gelson (National Express East Coast) - New National express service, interview with Richard Bowker (Chief executive, National Express Group), footage at Kings Cross, on board of new service, interview with passengers, footage of York station with classical music players welcoming passengers of new service, plus footage of last train of GNER ; ITV 1 Tyne Tees (North East Tonight) footage of National Express first new train, footage in Newcastle station, interview with Richard Bowker (National Express Group, chief executive), ticket fares in questions ; BBC 1 Yorkshire (Look North) National Express new service, footage of York station, interview with Rochard Bowker (National Express), footage from driver cab, tickets fares in questions, interview with passengers, with reporter Alan Whitehouse ; ITV 1 London (London Tonight) new Thameslink station in Kings Cross, interview with passengers, Ruth Kelly MP (Transport Secretary), National Express taking over ECML first service, interview with Richard Bowker (National Express Group), Langdon Park new station, interview with Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London)

TV news coverage of 'Launch of New National Express Rail Service'


Still images from 'Science and Society Prints', soundtrack of cab sounds / 8 minutes

DVD-R 'Flying Scotsman: Cab sounds'

Former United States Secretary of State Colin Powell visits the Flying Scotsman at the Yorkshire Show Ground in Harrogate, while attending the International Business Conference on 10 June 2005 / 2 minutes / Poor quality

DVD-R 'Colin Powell at Harrogate with Flying Scotsman'


2 edited videos, broadcast extract on launch of new service by National Express in December 2009 between Lincoln and London, on 24/04/2008; including interview with John Gelson (National Express East Coast), BBC 1 North (Humberside & Lincolnshire (1 extract, North News) ; broadcast extract 24/04/2008, Taxi drivers threatening to strike and blockade to protest National Express increasing the price for permits to pick passengers at stations on the East Coast Main Line, BBC 1 North East (1 extract, North East News)

TV and news coverage 'National Express'
