Electrical apparatus, brass ball applicator (11/10/56?) Electrical apparatus with brass ball applicator
Ronald's electrical apparatus for atmospheric observations, 1843, ex-Kew Observatory electrical apparatus for atmospheric observations
A collection comprising a Ferranti transformer and two fuses from the same substation. A collection comprising a Ferranti transformer and two fuses from the same substation
Ronald's electrical apparatus for atmospheric observations, 1843, ex-Kew Observatory Ronald's electrical apparatus for atmospheric observations 1843
Electrical apparatus for Freezing Microtome Knife (one off by local craftsmen) Electrical apparatus for Freezing Microtome Knife 1900-1980
A collection of Siemens high-voltatge switchgear as used in wind farms and other electrical installations. Includes circuit breakers, isolators and other protection and safety devices. NOT YET DELIVERED TO MOSI A collection of Siemens high-voltatge switchgear