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Nickel-faced electrotype from a French wood engraving depicting morning

Two electrotypes of wood engravings made by the beeswax mould process


Rotary electrotype for London Regional Transport ticket macines


Nickel-faced electrotype

Electrotype showing map of Stationers' Hall area

Rotary electrotype printing plate with a facing of nickel


"College" electrotype

Electrotype copies of three ancient Chinese bronze weights

Nickel-faced electrotype made from a wood engraving depicting a bearded gentleman

Nickel-faced electrotype

Composite four page laminated electrotype as used for the last letterpress-printed issue of Reader's Digest

Copper electrotype (mounted), for Stevens patent doughmaking machine advertisement


Copper electrotype (mounted), for Stevens patent doughmaking machine advertisement


Electrotype plate from Oxford English Dictionary

Plastic backed 'College' electrotype printing plate

Electrotype printing plate with a copper 'shell' reinforced with an alloy of 96% lead

Thermoplastic electrotype mould

Lunar Crater model


Specimen of an electrotype plate from the original Scheutz difference engine. Signed by Charles Babbage, 20th October, 1856

Specimen of an electrotype plate from the original Scheutz difference engine. Signed by Charles Babbage

Bookbinders electrotype plate with copper shell. Used for gold or metallic foil blocking in bookbinding. 23 ct. gold specimen, one of thirty six specimens (mainly printing plates), mostly in current use. 1890-1950.

Bookbinders electrotype plate with copper shell

Electrotype by De-la-Rue

Electrotype by De-la-Rue

Electrotype reproductions of Angustan Roman Cup before and after restoration ("Enkomi Cup" )

The bull cup from Enkomi (reproduction) Cyprus, 15th century BC

Framed Electrotype of brass on copper, dated April 2nd, 1845

Framed Electrotype of brass on copper, dated April 2nd, 1845