Object type
Place of origin

File, steel, flat

Eliptical shape file with ivory handle


Half-round stubs file

Double ended gold file


Double ended gold riffler file


Double ended gold riffler file no.6


Flat file


Double ended gold riffler file no.40


Half-round stubs file

File, half round


File, half round


File, half round


File, half round


2 double ended gold riffler files


Set of chiropodial instruments


Establishment of the NRM - John Peck Collection. Various papers relating to the establishment of the NRM and the transfer of exhibits from Clapham and Queen Street, including correspondence, drawings of the site, drawing of lifting frame, drawings re removal of exhibits from Queen Street, etc. 1 archive box.

Establishment of the NRM - John Peck Collection

circa 1975

Files, paper, British Railways Eastern Region Civil Defence Files, 1939 to 1950s. Files describing civil defence measures to be taken in the event of nuclear attack. The majority of the files concern the management of key railway points, the location of emergency control shelters (including Knebworth, Grantham, Wymondham and Ely), accommodation in the event of an attack, and inventories of useful plant and supplies within the Eastern Region, for example there is a very detailed inventory of plant being used for the construction of the Woodhead New Tunnel There is also a group of files which contain drawings for control shelters, and some WW2 ARP material. The material was found during the rebuilding work at King's Cross Station. Currently in 20 archive boxes.

British Railways (ER) Civil Defence Files


4 boxes of files of decommissioning and sale of clocks, watches and nameplates by British Railways, including sale of items via Collector's Corner at Euston Station. File list available.

Records of clock, watch and nameplate sales

Approximately 1600 drawings and c60 boxes of files, manuals, papers, catalogues etc. from Eastleigh Works. Material deposited on the closure of Eastleigh by its owners, Alstom Transport, at the end of 2005. The drawings include site and plant drawings for Eastleigh and other works dating back to the 1890s. Files include specifications of carriages, catalogues and manuals from component suppliers and sub-contractors, test reports etc. Also some drawing regsisters and a few photographs. Collection requires weeding.

Eastleigh Collection

circa 1890-circa 1970

Correspondence files from various parcels depts to Mr Newsam, Waterloo, including memos, copy memos and file cover re; parcels deliveries, and rates etc

correspondence files

29 additional files of BREL/Development Bank/World Bank reports dating between 1985 and 1994.

Additional BREL / World Bank files


2 files of correspondence, papers, reports, evidence, minutes etc. concerning the legal case William Parker vs. the LNER, 1943-1946. The case concerned a lineside fire on Mr. Parker's farmland on 20 August 1943, alledgedly ignited by an LNER locomotive, 4-4-0 D16 class no. 8878, on the Heacham-Wells line. Sir William Stanier gave evidence about the locomotive, and the case was later referred back to by BR. LNER file no. 6/5/267

William Parker vs. the LNER - lineside fire

1943-1946; 1950-1951; 1960