Object type
Place of origin

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 16 1/4 ins and 14 1/2 ins); drill of cane; hearth shows many pits

Sketch of a Fire-drill in Use

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 15 1/2 ins and 13 ins); hearth shows many pits

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and hearth, Sambaa people, Tanzania

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 19 ins and 14 1/2 ins); Murray River, New South Wales. Australia.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 19 ins and 14 1/2 ins); Murray River

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 18 ins and 17 ins); both much worm-eaten; hearth broken; Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 18 ins and 17 ins)

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 16 ins and 13 3/4 ins); one pit only; country of origin unknown; probably South Africa.

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill (length 8 1/2 ins) and Hearth (6 1/4 x 3/4 x 3/8 ins); somewhat similar to foregoing (no. 45); drill, a slender peeled twig; hearth, of split bamboo, having one used drill-pit with side-notch on edge; used by the Bheels of Rajpootana. India.

Fire-drill (length 8 1/2 ins) and Hearth (6 1/4 x 3/4 x 3/8 ins)

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 31 ins and 32 ins); the ends of both inserted into a short wooden sheath for their protection against wet; the sheath (6 1/2 ins long) bound round many times with a narrow strip of linen; all three parts thickly smeared with black resinous varnish; a narrow band of silver or nickel, cut from some engraved plate of metal (not native work), encircles the hearth; from North Queensland. Australia.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 31 ins and 32 ins)

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 12 1/4 ins and 9 3/4 ins); used in 1909 by the Mapela Tribe of the North Transvaal. South Africa.

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 22 ins and 14 ins); collected in 1922 at M'buyu (in late-German Territory). East Africa.

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 13 1/2 ins and 9 ins); Cocos Keeling Island. Indian Ocean.

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 12 1/4 ins and 15 ins); hearth carved to shape, in outline like that of a crocodile; unused. Baram District, Sarawak.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 12 1/4 ins and 15 ins)

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 16 ins and 12 1/4 ins); drill of cane; Somaliland. East Africa.

Fire-drill and hearth

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 13 3/4 ins and 14 ins); drill carved to shape. Baram District, Sarawak.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 13 3/4 ins and 14 ins)

Fire-drill (length 17 1/2 ins) and Hearth (4 3/4 x 1/2 x 3/4 ins); drill, a slender dark-brown twig, peeled; hearth, a thicker stick (apparently of same wood), cut flat on two sides, with three drill-pits (two used), each with a side-notch, on each narrow edge; an uncommon type; from the North Niger district. West Africa.

Fire-drill (length 17 1/2 ins) and Hearth (4 3/4 x 1/2 x 3/4 ins); drill

Sketch of a Thong Fire-drill in use.

Sketch of a Thong Fire-drill in use.

Bamboo fire drill, from Bhil states (Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan ), India, 1850-1910

Fire drill


Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 12 ins and 11 ins); as used by the Bheels of Rajpootana; drill of bamboo; collected by General Lovett in 1910. India.

Fire-drill and hearth

Two Fire-drills (lengths 16 1/2 ins) and hearth (15 1/4 x 2 1/2 x 7/8 ins); drills, both used, one smeared with patches of black resin; hearth semi-anthropomorphic, oval in section; bottom bluntly pointed; two eyes in head, both having been used as drill-pits, though lacking side-notches; front painted red, except for six broad transverse bars, each oval ins hape, left unpainted, but outlined in white; also, on shoulders, two similar unpainted markings, but perpendicular (apparently intended to represent arms), and, at bottom, a similar unpainted marking, forked below (apparently intended to represent legs); edges painted white; back unpainted; a very fine example; collected by Mr Carton Lee; Cairns District, North Queensland. Australia.

Two Fire-drills (lengths 16 1/2 ins) and hearth (15 1/4 x 2 1/2 x 7/8 ins); drills