First Aid box, British Rail Standard No.2, BR Midland Region, supplied by the St. John's Ambulance Association, japanned, English, 1948-1965. (Contents incomplete). First Aid box 1948-1965
First Aid box, London Midland & Scottish Railway, black metal box with LMS in white letters and white cross on red circle on lid. First Aid box, London Midland & Scottish Railway
First Aid box, North Eastern Railway, black wooden box for wall mounting, white cross on red circle and white lettering painted on. "NER 24 (H & B Section/L NER). First Aid box, North Eastern Railway
First Aid box, London & North Eastern Railway, black metal tin with white cross on red square marked "LNER 10 To be used by Ambulance Men Only", ex- BREL YORK. First Aid box, London & North Eastern Railway
First Aid box, pine, inscribed Axholme Joint Railway/Eastoft, English, 1900-1920. (Empty) First Aid box 1900-1920
First Aid box, Hull & Barnsley Railway. "H & BR No 10", wooden box with white cross on red circle containing bandages, etc. First Aid box, Hull & Barnsley Railway
First Aid box, British Rail (Midland Region), black metal box with red cross in white circle. First Aid box 1948-1994
First Aid box, London & North Eastern Railway, wooden box marked 'LNER Ambulance'. First Aid box, London & North Eastern Railway 1923-1948
Wooden first aid box; painted red, with white cross. Has iron handle on lid. Box is empty. Used at Arch Lane Colliery first aid box