Thornton Pickard Mark III H (Hythe) gun camera, manufactured 1916. Gunnery training camera in form of Lewis Gun. 2 1/4 rollfilm (film carrier missing) wound on by cocking gun. Long focus lens with three blade shutter in barrel. Fired by pulling the trigger. Punch to mark off exposures. Graticule (missing) to indicate aiming success. Automatic exposure counter to 14. Thornton Pickard. Mounted on wooden display stand. Thornton Pickard MKIII H gun camera 1916
Lewis-gun simulator camera, 1915, by Thornton-Pickard, Altrincham; MK IIIH No. 850H with tripod, mounting head, 3 spare shutter blades, 6 spare gears and sights; in wooden case. Thornton-Pickard Lewis-gun simulator camera, 1915 1915
Two Mark III H 'Lewis Gun' cameras by Thornton Pickard, (B 408). Two Thornton Pickard Mark III H 'Lewis Gun' Cameras 1915-1919
Aircraft gun camera for 16mm film in magazines. Wollensak type V lens F: 1 3/8 inches f/3.5-16 No.495566. 16, 32, 64 fps speeds. Electric drive. Serial No. AC44. 54266. The Lackner Co. Inc. Lackner Gun Camera Type N-6
Tube, rectangular section papier-mache, with fitting for 11" lens (lacking); fitted with detachable 120 rollfilm magazine with auto-windon for pictures approx. 2" x 1 1/2"; adjustable fitting for graticule (missing); roller-blind focal plane shutter. Gun sighting practice camera
AM ref 14A/1389, short lens ref 14A/1398, camera serial number 8778, lens 10112. Takes 16mm magazine; electric drive; operated as wing guns fired. Gun camera type G45
Aircraft gun camera type G45 14a/1390, AM camera for 16mm in magazines. Short lens type G45, 14a/399 (glass missing). Electric motor drive. 24v supply. Serial No. M7763 Nov.R.44. Williamson Manufacturing Company Limited. Aircraft Gun Camera Type G45