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Jamin convertible portrait/landscape lens. Manufactured by Jamin, Ing. Opticien, 14 Rue Chapon, Paris. Large lens with removable elements serial no 3963; G Paysage, rack focused, A - in conical mount, fits at rear for portraits, converting to Petzgal type. Waterhouse stop slot, with single stop.

Jamin convertible portrait/landscape lens. Manufactured by Jamin

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens, c.24" focal length with brass lens cap. 12320.

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens, c.20" focal length. Lens barrel in sliding mount..

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens

The G. Hare folding bellows field or stand camera for plates 6 1/2 x 4 3/4. Front standard has rising front and cross movement. Fitted with a Wray Acgromatic Landscape lens F.11 10" f.1 and a Dallmeyer Rapid Rectilinear F.7.5 7" f.1 lens. Diaphragm operated by lever. Made of mahogany with brass fittings. c.1895. Stored in a leather case with a handwritten note on the back, 'G. Irvine Robertson Glenelon Stirling'. Included are three double darkslides.

G Hare Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera, Two Lenses, Case and Three Double Darkslides.


Ross landscape lens. Made by Andrew Ross, London. Achromat lens, F:20", f/13 for 10 x 8" plates in conical lined wooded case.

Ross landscape lens. Made by Andrew Ross


Darlot landscape lens, made in Paris. F: 35mm. 4 disc diaphragm, f/16, f/21. f/30, f/45. Brass lens cap. Rack and pinion focusing in flange. C. 1845

Darlot landscape lens


Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens, c.20" focal length. Number 0468. (M17/3)

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens

Lerebours and Secretan landscape lens. Achromatic lens in mount with reflection reducing baffles. Three disc stops; F:39cm. 9174. (M17/4)

Lerebours and Secretan lens