2 boxes each containing a bottle of Purgoids laxative tablets, by Evans Medical Ltd., Speke. 1950-1970 2 boxes each containing a bottle of Purgoids laxative tablets 1950-1970
Paper-wrapped packet of Dr. Morse's Indian Root pearl-coated Pills, vegetable laxative, by W.H. Comstock Co. Ltd., U.S.A., 1900-1930 Paper-wrapped packet of Dr. Morse's Indian Root pearl-coated Pills
2 bottles of Medilax Laxative Pellets, silvered pills, by Savory & Moore Ltd., London, 1940-1960 2 bottles of Medilax Laxative Pellets 1940-1960
2 boxes of Jansen's Herbal Tablets, strong laxative, by Dr. Janssen Ltd., London, 1930-1950 2 boxes of Jansen's Herbal Tablets 1930-1950
Cylindrical clear glass bottle with cork stopper, contains rhizome, used as a laxative and for piles, from Istanbul, bottle English, 1930-1940 Cylindrical clear glass bottle with cork stopper 1900-1930
Box of Innerclean Intestinal Laxative, "Herbs assist Nature", claimed to have been perfected by Arnold Ehret, the nature cure pioneer, distributed by Brooks & Warburton Ltd. , Mitcham, 1950-1970 Box of Innerclean Intestinal Laxative 1950-1970
Bottle of laxative tablets by Savory and Moore Ltd., English, 1920-1940 Bottle of laxative tablets by Savory and Moore Ltd. 1920-1940
Carton of laxatives by Laboratoires Sauter, French Carton of laxatives by Laboratoires Sauter, French
Yellow spherical dried fruit, used as laxative and purgative (drastic), labelled 'colcynth', 'colquintida' and 'citrudus colocynthis' Yellow spherical dried fruit 1900-1931