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Roland DS-90A monitor loudspeakers


Two Beovox S40 passive loudspeakers


BBC LS5/1 Loudspeakers with AM8/1 Amplifiers (Pair)

circa 1966

Ferranti loudspeaker transformer

Ferranti loudspeaker transformer

B.T.H. "Rice Kellogg" 12-inch energized moving-coil loudspeaker, with integral rectifier unit, c. 1929

BTH 'Rice Kellogg' loudspeaker, c 1929.


Loudspeaker pressure drive units (two) (Serial Nos. 17933 & 29351) made by Western Electric, type 555W, designed by Wente, patented 1926 (Bell Telephone Laboratories), impedance 10 ohms at 400 Hz, used in sound-film units, 1927. (Patent Nos. 263411, 266395, 275567, 275571, 297938)

Loudspeaker pressure drive units (two) (Serial Nos. 17933 & 29351) made by Western Electric


Demonstration of moving coil loudspeaker.

Demonstration of moving coil loudspeaker

Three moving - iron loudspeaker movements and a spare cone-mounting device

Three moving-iron loudspeaker movements

Lowther VVR mains unit for energized loudspeaker

Lowther VVR mains unit for energized loudspeaker

Two Wharfedale Sand-Filled Corner Loudspeaker Enclosures with 15 inch, 8 inch and 3 inch drivers, c. 1955

Two Wharfedale Sand-Filled Corner Loudspeaker Enclosures, c. 1955


LS3/5A loudspeaker, c. 1980

LS3/5A loudspeaker, 1974.


Transducer by S.G. Brown to enable a gramophone horn to be used as a radio loudspeaker, c.1924

Transducer by S.G. Brown to enable a gramophone horn to be used as a radio loudspeaker

Tannoy loudspeaker, type LSU/HF/3L7G/8L, serial no. 141613, by Tannoy Products, London, c. 1970

Tannoy loudspeaker, c 1970.


Two Paul Voigt Internal Suspension Loudspeakers in corner cabinets built by Tom Joyce of Ramsgate to Voigt's design, c. 1930, with an additional spare driver magnet assembly and a framed testimonial addressed to Tom Joyce from Elsie Carlisle, the musical comedy actress

Two Paul Voigt Internal Suspension Loudspeakers built by Tom Joyce of Ramsgate, c.1930