Glass vial wityh black plastic screw on top, containing plant specimen. Printed label with 'Flatters and Garnett Ltd' and 'Bradnor Rd, Manchester, 22'. White label with the following printed on: 'pinus sylvestris' Glass vial wityh black plastic screw on top
Glass jar with screw top plastic lid, containing Hedera stem specimens. Paper label on the front of the jar reads 'Flatters and Garnett LTD. Preserved specimens, Hedera stem. Manchester, England'. Glass jar with screw top plastic lid
A 'Living Culture' preserved specimen of frog spawn. In kilner jar with glass and brass lid. Label attached reads 'Dorsal Lip'. Prepared by Flatters & Garnet Ltd., Manchester. Microscope Specimen; Frog Spawn circa 1970
Brown glass bottle with black plastic lid. The container has a label which reads 'Flatters and Garnett Ltd', Bradnor Rd. Manchester, 22. (printed text) Some handwritten text which seems to refer to the specimen inside the bottle. 'amphioxus'. 70% alc is also handwritten on the label. Brown glass bottle with black plastic lid