Object type
Place of origin

Wedgwood plate mould, 1990s


Stainless steel mould for beer glass, 1990-1999


Two wax casts of moulds


Paste mould


Example of glazed mould

"Mickey-Mouse" shaped ceramic mould

Mould of face, made of plaster, 1914-1920


Glazed, stemmed bulb, with rippled body

Construction moulds for “Imperial Dalek Shuttlecraft” from "Doctor Who", ex-Visual F/X.

Mould for Imperial Dalek Shuttlecraft

Collection of 14 (fourteen) miscellaneous wax castings and plaster and rubber moulds, manufactured by Leon Underwood, c. 1957

Collection of 14 (fourteen) miscellaneous wax castings and plaster and rubber moulds


Small stemmed bulb shapes, Pt 1 circular and Pt 2 oval, of which fourteen are complete and one broken, contained in box marked Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Dyestuffs Division, Oliver Wilkins Works, Siddals Road, Derby, mid-twentieth century

Collection of small stemmed bulb shapes


Collection of 20 different duplicate plates and moulds, all of the same subject - an advertisement for "Ambre Solaire" - plus specimens of moulding material. All except (7),( 19) and (20) were made by Herbert Smart at the London College of Printing, 1967-71

Collection of 20 different duplicate plates and moulds

Open-and-shut mould of iron for making apothecaries' phials, with a phial of clear glass moulded by it, English, 19th century

Open-and-shut mould, c 1850.


Five plaster copies of Ancient Chinese cast iron implement moulds.

Cast iron implement moulds, about 300 BC

300 BCE

Medium sized stemmed bulb shape, screw-base, twelve examples

Stemmed bulb shape, screw-base, twelve examples

2 Miniature plaster moulds of James Watt, oval 7/8" x 3/4"

plaster moulds


Construction fibre glass moulds for a dalek from "Doctor Who". Ex Visual F/X.

Dalek construction fibre glass moulds

Section of fibreglass construction moulds for the "Tardis" from "Doctor Who", ex-Visual F/X.

Construction Moulds for the Tardis from Doctor Who