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Full-page illustration of diving operations after the Tay Bridge disaster


'Times' Trade Supplement, Coal Tar Products section, Articles by H.E. Armstrong mentioning Morton Sundour Fabrics, 1917. Part of the Morton Collection.

'Manchester Guardian' Supplement - 'The Organic Chemical Industry in England', 1917. Part of the Morton Collection.

'Manchester Guardian Commercial', 1923. Part of the Morton Collection.

Newspapers, posters and paperwork relating to the 'Check 2000' initiative


The Penny Mechanic Vol.1 no.VIII Dec.24 1836. 8p i


The Mirror of literature


Aerial Steam Carriage, The Pictorial Times


Ephemera: Newspaper cutting "Wireless Sends Pictures Over Atlantic Ocean"


[Edition of the Daily Express (of 5 Oct 1936) reporting riots in the East End of London]

Daily Express


Newspaper, Going Live!, "York Evening Press Souvenir Special" supplement featuring introduction of Intercity 225 trains, 24 pages, cover illustration of head on view of class 91 locomotive.

Going Live. Intercity's Finest Hour


Original copy of 'The Courier' Newspaper, 1815.

The Courier


Figaro in London 25-6-1836 [MS/1932]

Figaro in London 25-6-1836


The Loyal Protestant 14-3-1681 [MS/1934]

The Loyal Protestant 14-3-1681


Two volumes (33 & 34) "The Mirror" 1839 containing the first representation of a photograph in print.

The Mirror


Copy of 'The Sun' newspaper (folded) dated 15.11.1794 containing description of Chappe Semaphore Telegraph, published by John Heriot.

Chappe Semaphore Telegraph article in 'The Sun' newspaper


Page from Prescott's Manchester Journal in frame with Pickford's Flying Wagon Advertisement, 1777. 4 January 1777.

Advertisement for Pickford's flying wagon, in Prescott's Manchester Journal


Newspaper. The Observer, September 10th, 1911. Folded to wedge shape 11x25.5x1cm, for carriage by aeroplane to commemorate the coronation of King Edward VII, 1911 and inaugurate air mail services. Addresse card adhered, printed in violet: 'AD Coronation 1911. First U.K. Aerial Post. By sanction of HM Postmaster General. For conveyance by AEROPLANE from LONDON to WINDSOR ...' / [to addressee] C.C. Turner, 87, South Croxpat Rd., Dulwich, S.E. [London]. Label 9x14cm, image 8.5x6.2cm, address space stamped King George one penny red and franked. Image shows early biplane flying over Windsor Castle

First UK Aerial Post


Newspaper from box for 3-inch refracting telescope.

Newspaper from box for 3-inch refracting telescope

Transpennine TPEXPRESS free newspaper, 2016. Special edition 'A Northern Star is Born'. Focuses on the commencement of the new franchise, new look and logo

Transpennine TPEXPRESS newspaper


Issue 9 of The Light, carrying the headline ‘What Pandemic?’ produced in July 2021, the self-published newspaper consistently claimed that COVID-19 is a hoax and spread misinformation about the virus.



Issue 11 of The Light, published July 2021

Issue 11 of The Light, July 2021


Original Copy of "The Morning Chronicle" Newspaper, 1798

The Morning Chronicle


Newspaper in a 2 part cardboard cover, the cover is titled "Two Die Burger' (Newspaper) dated 27th May 1977"


The Poor Man's Guardian 27-8-1831 [MS/1927]

The Poor Man's Guardian 27-8-1831


The Champion 23-3-1818 [MS/1929]

The Champion 23-3-1818


The St James's Chronicle 16-5-1765 [MS/1938]

The St James's Chronicle 16-5-1765


The Edinburgh Evening Courant 25.10.1777 [MS/1939]

The Edinburgh Evening Courant 25.10.1777


The Examiner 12-9-1813 [MS/1931]

The Examiner 12-9-1813


Heraclitus Ridens 26-4-1681 [MS/1930]

Heraclitus Ridens 26-4-1681


The Domestick Intelligence 4-8-1681 [MS/1933]

The Domestick Intelligence 4-8-1681


[Newspaper] St James's Chronicle and General Evening Post [for] 2-5 Oct 1824, [containing detailed report of, and coroner's inquest on, the death of W. W. Sadler, balloonist, who fell from his balloon. 4p. See also 1950-306/48 pt2 (MS 1814)]

Newspaper St James's Chronicle and General Evening Post [for] 2-5 Oct 1824


Outer sheet (front and back pages) of the "Liverpool Mercury", published 1 May 1829, containing advert placed by the Liverpool & Manchester Railway for an improved locomotive engine.

Outer sheet (front and back pages) of the "Liverpool Mercury"


The Wembley News, Special Sunday Bulletin, dated 9th May 1926. The 4 page edition of the paper relates entirely to the General Strike. The newspaper cost 2d.

The Wembley News


The Westmorland Gazette and Kendal Advertiser Vol II No.57 including an article on the opening of the lancaster canal.

The Westmorland Gazette and Kendal Advertiser


Souvenir, newspaper form, "Last Tram Souvenir", with black and white photograph of a tram commemorating the last tram 1873-1960, with black and white photographs depicting the tramway through its history, published by the Sheffield Star No. 22.983, Sheffield. 3d., Saturday October 1 1960,

Last Tram Souvenir


Newspaper, "The Engineer The Channel Steamer Mabel Grace", Messrs Laird Brothers, Birkenhead Builders and Engineers on page 268, with black and white photograph of the steamer, with an article about the Siberian Railway and the Baltic and Finnish ports, 1899.

The Engineer The Channel Steamer Mabel Grace


Newspaper, 'The Morning Herald', 4th October 1825, containing report of the opening of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, in double-glazed frame.

The Morning Herald


Timetable and Advertiser, South Eastern Railway Advertizer, No 34, 8 July 1845, 8 pages, with timetables, maps and advertisements.

South Eastern Railway Advertiser


A copy of 'Photo News Weekly' from 29 March 1972. The headline on the front page is 'Tony Ray-Jones Dies'; below is an obituary of Tony Ray-Jones (1941-1972).

Tony Ray Jones obituary, Photo News Weekly, 1972


Edition of 'The Connecticut Courant' published Saturday October 20th 1849. Features two advertisements for daguerreotype studios.

Edition of 'The Connecticut Courant', published 1849


[Newspaper] Daily Herald [for] 14 January 1958, [containing article entitled 'They carry the Killer' regarding the death causing Staphyloccus infections in hospitals, front page].

Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 14, 1958


Issue 10 of The Light, published June 2021

Issue 10 of The Light, June 2021


Six issues of 'The Morning Chronicle', 1808 July 8th, July 12th, July 15th, July 19th, July 20th and Septemper 5th 1808. Issues contain notices re running of a new steam engine, Trevithick's locomotive. Part of the John Phillimore collection, cat.1, 1808, p.1-2

Six issues of 'The Morning Chronicle'


The Daily Graphic, containing London, Chatham & Dover Railway stock information, pages 9 - 16, dated Saturday, 12 June, published by The Graphic newsaper, London, England, 1897. See page 16 for railway company stock details.

The Daily Graphic