Oval white bent glass for protectors spectacles.
Oval smoke or neutral tint
Round white 'Kryptok' tonc bi-focal spectacle lens
Oval smoke or neutral tint bent glass spectacle lens
Bi-focal spectacle lens
Oval white double convex pebble spectacle lens with a grooved edge
Oval smoke or neutral tint bent glass spectacle lens
Smoke spherical-cylinder concave spectacle lens
D-shaped green tint glass for preservers spectacles
Oval blue bent glass spectacle lens, pale tint.
Oval blue bent glass spectacle lens, medium tint.
Oval 'Chlorophylle' bent glass spectacle lens
Oval 'Chlorophylle' bent glass spectacle lens
Oval blue bent glass spectacle lens
Oval blue bent glass spectacle lens, dark tint.
Round white 'lenticular' concave spectacle lens
Oval amber double concave spectacle lens
Round white deep meniscus concave spectacle lens
Oval smoke meniscus concave spectacle lens
Oval pink meniscus convex spectacle lens
Square 'Kryptok' fused slab and segment
Oval white double convex spectacle lens
Square 'Kryptok' fused slab and segment
Round 'Kryptok' fused slab and segment
Square 'Kryptok' fused slab and segment
'Strubin' cemented bi-focal spectacle lens
Oval white double concave spectacle lens
Round blue double convex spectacle lens
Round white 'Kryptok' tonc bi-focal spectacle lens
Oval smoke double convex spectacle lens
Square 'Kryptok' fused slab and segment
Oval white meniscus concave pebble spectacle lens
White convex spectacle lens
Plano-concave cylinder 'chlorophylle' tint
Blue spherical- cylinder concave spectacle lens
Blue plano-cylinder concave spectacle lens
Pair of variform spectacle lenses
Oval white meniscus concave spectacle lens
Two bifocal spectacle lenses
2 spectacle lenses
Lens, oval shaped
Lens, circular, blue-tinted glass
Lens, oval-shaped, pink-tinted
Optical Trial Case
White plano-convex spectacle lens
White plano-concave spectacle lens