1x1 lb bottle of Spiritus Menthae Piperitae B.P. (peppermint spirit) B.P.), by Evans Medical, 1930-1960 Bottle of Spiritus Menthae Piperitae B.P. 1930-1960
Winchester bottle of Aquae Menthae Piperitae Conc. B.P. (concentrated peppermint water B. P.), by Evans Medical, 1950-1970 Winchester bottle of Aquae Menthae Piperitae Conc. B.P. (concentrated peppermint water B. P.) 1950-1970
1x2oz bottle of Spirit Menth. Pip. P.B. (peppermint spirit), by Clark, Nettleship and Bailey, Leicester, 1939 Bottle of Peppermint Spirit 1936
1x4oz bottle of Ol. Menth. Pip. P.B. (peppermint oil), by A. de St. Dalmas and Co., Leicester, 1940 Bottle of Ol. Menth. Pip. P.B. (peppermint oil) 1940