Sodium Salicylate B.P. SOD. SAL. Flake. Dose: 10 to 30 grains. 500 grammes. Boots Pure Drug CO. LTD. Nottingham
Green Glass bottle with a rectangular body, concave base and angular sholders stoppered by a cork and sealing in wax containing an unidentified liquid drug. 130 mm x 48 mm x 30 mm, 107 g. Unknown maker, unknown origin. Green glass poison bottle containing an unidentified drug
Blue glass bottle with cork stopper containing an unidentified powdered drug substance. 141 mm x 63 mm diameter, 335 g. Unknown maker, unknown origin Bottle of unidentified powder
Round syrup bottle, dark blue glass, with trace content, for squill syrup (SYR: SCILLAE.) 255 mm x 96 mm diameter, 628 g. Unknown maker, English, late 19th century Blue glass shop round of squill syrup 1860-1900
Six paper packets containing Mrs Montague's 'Mild Liver Powder' within original card carton. Overall: 29 mm x 36 mm x 78 mm, 21 g. Dispensed by R. Stevens Chemist, London, c. 1870. Box of Mrs. Montague's Mild Liver Powder 1860-1890
Amber glass bottle with cork stopper containing an unidentified powdered drug. 205 mm x 74 mm, 611 g. Produced by Allen & Hanbury, dispensed by Savory and Moore, London. Glass bottle of unidentified powder
Cooper's Liquid Worm Medicine. 20 fluid ounces. Cooper product veterinary. Cooper, McDougall & Robertson LTD. Berkhamsted. Coopers Liquid Worm Medicine
Amber glass bottle with degraded plastic lid containing an unidentified white powder. 153 mm x 76 mm diameter, 808 g. Produced by the British Drug Houses, English. Glass bottle of unidentified powder
Glass bottle with cork stopper half-full of squill extract ( EXT. SCILL. LIQ.) 72 mm x 38 mm diameter, 59 g. By Savory and Moore, Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England. Bottle of squill extract
1x50ml bottle of Actifed syrup, (pseudophedrine sulphate), by Wellcome, expires April 1987 Bottle of 'Actifed' pseudophedrine sulphate syrup 1980-1985
1x250ml bottle of Alupent expectorant, (orciprenaline sulphate), by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., 1970-1985 Bottle of 'Alupent' orciprenaline sulphate expectorant 1970-1985
Amber glass bottle of 100 Tedral S.A. tablets (theophylline and ephedrine hydrochloride). 100 mm x 40 mm, 227 g. Blue and white label reads, 'TEDRAL S.A./ Sustained Action/ 100 TABLETS/.../Theophylline PhEur/Ephedrine Hydrochloride PhEur/.../William R. Warner/...Gwent, UK/...EXPIRES SEP 1988'. Manufactured by Warner, Wales, expires 1988. 1x100 bottle of Tedral S.A. tablets 1980-1986
1x150ml bottle of Ventolin syrup (salbutamol sulphate), by Allen and Hanburys Ltd., expires 1987 1x150ml bottle of Ventolin syrup (salbutamol sulphate) 1980-1985
Glass bottle with cork stopper of Veratrine powder. 53 mm x 32 mm diameter, 31 g. Dispensed by Gibsons & Sons, English, 1880-1930. Bottle of Veratrine Powder 1880-1930
1x300ml bottle of Mucodyne syrup (carbocisteine), by Berk, expires 1985 1x300ml bottle of Mucodyne syrup (carbocisteine) 1975-1982
1x250ml bottle of Alupent syrup, (orciprenaline sulphate), by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., 1970-1985 Bottle of 'Alupent' orciprenaline sulphate syrup 1970-1985
Gutta percha bottle containing 'Tabloid' brand ipecacuanha with squill pills. 118 mm x 39 mm x 39 mm. Prepared by Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., London, 1906-1920. Bottle of Tabloid Ipecac and Squill tablets 1906-1920
Carboard box containing: 9 smaller boxes of glass phials of atropine sulphate hypodermic tablets, 6 glass phials of a non-medicated substance in the form of hypodermic tablets in boxes, 5 large glass phials of atropine sulphate hypodermic tablets, and 1 small glass phial of atropine sulphate hypodermic tablets. English, twentieth century Box containing phials of atrophine sulphate tablets
Glass bottle with cork stopper containing a yellowish powdered drug substance. 215 mm x 90 mm diameter, 988 g. Unknown maker, unknown origin. Glass bottle containing a yellowish powder
Glass bottle with cork stopper containing an unidentified drug substance. 159 mm x 63 mm x 43 mm, 243 g. Distributed by Savory and Moore Ltd., 29 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London, SW1, England. Bottle containing an unknown substance
Amber glass bottle with cork stopper half-full of 'Elixir Valibrom' (contains chloralformamide). 185 mm x 59 mm x 37 mm, 276 g. Advertised on the bottle as a 'Harmless Sedative and Hypnotic'. By British Drug Houses, English, 1940-1970. Bottle of Elixir Valibrom 1940-1970
Hour-glass shaped glass albarello inscribed "Scilla preparat" (Prepared Squill), containing a grey powdered substance. 73 mm x 56 mm, 65 g. Unknown maker, unknown origin. Probably 18th c. Glass albarello of prepared squill