Object type
Place of origin

Decoudun photometer


Modified spurge photometer.

Everett Edgcumbe auto photometer

Ritchie's photometer


Beads for Wheatstone's photometer

Everett Edgecumbe photometer, no. 356504

Photometer model S511 by Weston

Flicker photometer mounted on short metal rod


One Lummer-Brodhun photometer head

Flame photometer

Spurge Photometer

Joly's photometer by Griffin and George Ltd.


Photometer, marked: ‘39 G’

Lowe jet photometer, c.1860.

Portable photometer

Wild flicker photometer

Lummer Brodhun photometer


Holophane-Edgecombe street lighting photometer in purpose built oak box

circa 1950

Holophane-Edgcumbe Auto-photometer in box

Lummer Brodhun photometer head

Lummer-Brodhun photometer



Photometer, marked: ’34 G’

Extinction meter with rotating continuous wedge; two blue filter settings; for use on camera ground glass screen; in leather purse.

Heyde's Aktino-Photometer

Photometer made by Schmidt and Haensch. (Described under Cat.No.369, physics catalogue, 1905 Ed.)

Photometer made by Schmidt and Haensch

Illumination photometer, N.P.L. 1928 design

Illumination photometer, N.P.L. 1928 design

Comparison photometer, possibly home made. Split field comparison. Direct vision through circular step wedge, blue tint, calibrated, 0, 10, 100, 1000, 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000. Mirror reflects illulmination from disc with step wedge, calibrated 160, 250, 400, 600, 1000, lit by small bulb. Powered by flat battery (Ever ready pat. 24008/08) through press switch and rheostat adjusted by screw from exterior of case. MEter connected across lamp. Calibrations for f/4.5 and 16sch. Table in Swedish giving shutter speeds for photometer settings.

comparison photometer

Two photometers, one marked: ’39 G’, and the other: ’34 G’, both, made by JENNEN

Two photometers

McMurty Photometer. Extinction type meter, card with rotating sector wheel which reduces the aperture for viewing, continuously. Manufactured by McMurtry and Co., Chicago.

McMurty Photometer. Extinction type meter


Exposure meter made for use with easrly technicolor process. Cylinder 7.7cm diameter, 13.2cm long 3 diameter lens at one end with hinged flap with 1cm diameter hole. Output from photocell read by Westinghouse meter calibrated 0-20. Scale marked average stops. Raise flap: divide by ten. Optical frame finder with pin and ball back sight. Conversion tables taped to cylinder. Scale reading 1.0-16.5, conversion 2.5-41.25. No.25.

Technicolour Reflection Photometer

Flame photometer. No.866150

Flame photometer. No.866150


Dr. Letheby's photometer, consisting of a Bunsen photometer-head and two movable carriages. Made by William Sugg, Gas Engineer, Westminster, London, S.W.

Letheby's Photometer

Wheatstone type photometer, in brass box, six cork discs with silvered beads to give various curves, by William Ladd, London, England, 1870-1872

Wheatstone type photometer


Watt photometer by Everett and Edgcumbe

Watt photometer by Everett and Edgecumbe

Recording comparato-microphotometer Model L900 by Rank Precision Industries Ltd., London

Recording comparato-microphotometer Model L900 by Rank Precision Industries Ltd.

Abney type colour photometer with rotating sector apparatus by Adam Hilger, London, 1888. commercial version of photometer used by Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney and Major-General E. R. Festing in their researches.

Abney type colour photometer with rotating sector apparatus by Adam Hilger


Conroy photometer in black box, Everett Edgcumbe and Company Ltd., London, 1920-1946.

Conroy photometer in black box


Apparatus for measuring the brightness of the night sky (by comparison with fluorescent light excited by radiations from a uranium sample), by Robert John Strutt (4th Baron Rayleigh), England, 1900-1939

Apparatus for measuring the brightness of the night sky


Phosphotometre Filmograph Comparison photometer - battery operated 2.5v bulb wired through variable resistance operated through pull-out slider calibrated 0-50. Lamp seen through sliding continuous wedge calibrated 0-50 and f/f2.7-14 (Pour Pathe Baby), then through lens and reflected in 45 degrees glass through which scene is observed. Small milled knob rotates blue filter over viewing aperture. Made by Les Establishments Filmograph, 47 Rue Bangreaux, Montrouxe. (M953)

Filmograph photometer

Made in Switzerland. Hunter pattern watch type actinometer. In original carton with 2 packets of paper and instructions in German.

M and V Photometer Model B

Walsh Distribution Photometer

Walsh Distribution Photometer

EEL flame photometer, model A, made by Evans Electroselenium (patent no.7127 00)

EEL flame photometer

Hurter and Driffield photometer made by J Willis Grundy. For comparison of light sources, standard of unknown. Fitted with Lummer-Brodhun head on rack mounted carriage; moving on calibrated scale; standard lamp aperture fitted with rotating disc with 4 apertures.

Hurter and Driffield Photometer


Photometer, Pulfrich, with numerous accessories and spare parts. No."Nr 36542". Including four books of instructions for use of the photometer & one on use of Ilford Colour Filters (see note)

Photometer, Pulfrich, with numerous accessories and spare parts


Masking frame with built in enlarging photometer. For prints up to 13x18cm. No 6602.

Agfa Variomat Masking Frame/Photometer

Photometer, with velet material cover on front. Manufactured by CEAG Ltd.


Hilger microphotometer, type H451, with Hilger galvo scale projector H671, date 1950

Hilger microphotometer


Bunsen photometer

Bunsen photometer

Portable illumination photometer diaphragm type

Portable illumination photometer diaphragm type

Autoanalyser Flame Photometer Mk III, by Technicon Corporation, Ardesley, New York 10502, United States.

Autoanalyser Flame Photometer Mk III