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Gauze pipe and threaded plug from the incomplete turbojet engine

Brass pipe, with ivory nozzle, used for hydrostatic demonstration

Sectioned thermostatic Steam Trap, 1" diameter pipe

Taper Hydraulic Pipe


Wooden Water Pipe

Section through cast iron pipe bronze welded


Right angled pipe from a model of Maudslay's 1807 table engine (scale 1:24)


'Y' shaped pipe connector


Serpentine and pewter tobacco pipe


Iron tabocco pipe


Pipe, jade (broken). 5 3/4" long

Ceramic pipe used as a cable conduit


Stone Water Pipe

Wooden Pipe

Cast Iron Water Pipe from Water Street

Ivory opium pipe, with repoussé brass pipe bowl mount and terracotta bowl

Pipe, clay, 6 1/2" long

Serpentine stone tobacco pipe


Wooden tobacco pipe


Copper pipe, with ring attachment at one end

Wooden framed organ pipe, parchment sides


Wooden tobacco pipe


Three canvas pipe sections, for the Harold Hume Piffard Aeroplane E.N.V. Aero-engine

Part sectioned pipe with joint, showing improved streamlined branch construction

Piece of 2 in. diam. corrugated steel pipe

1" Dewrance's Bronze Cone Union for iron pipe, sectioned


Copper pipe with brass union at one end, and a T-piece with tap at the other

Glass pipe, with cork bottle stopper at one end and rubber hose attached to the other, from Dennstedt's electric combustion furnace

Ceramic pipe used as a cable conduit


Wooden Water Pipes

Stone Pipe

Pipe, mass-produced, painted bright red, used for smoking tobaccos or other contents of smoker's choice, labelled 'Tattoo', possibly the name of the maker, made in Holland, c.1999.

Pipe, mass-produced, painted bright red


six/seven pieces of water logged elm(?) pipe, circa1600. It was used to drain the moat at Clayton Hall, Clayton. manufacturer unknown


15 various sized samples of sectioned steel pipe showing method of threading ends for joining lengths together.

Samples of Sectioned Steel Pipe.

String firebag, containing pipe, stone, tinder and steel, from Rajastan, India, 1850-1920

String firebag


Smoker's pipe - made from bakelite and shaped like an airship with gondoler and fins and a bowl of briar inserted in the top

Smoker's pipe


Brass pipe in six sections with T-joint, plugged end and cap

Brass pipe in six sections with T-joint


Part sectioned pipe with joint, showing improved method of making streamlined branches in pipe systems, with 2 tools used to form flange for joint

Part sectioned pipe, with two tools used to form flange

Four foot length of stone water pipe, twelve inch internal diameter, with octagonal stone collar joint

Stone water pipe section

Seven foot length elm tree spigot and faucet water pipe, five inch bore, 18th century

Seven foot length elm tree spigot and faucet water pipe

Section of atmospheric pipe from South Devon Railway mounted on wooden presentation plaque. Includes illustration of a passenger train on Brunel's atmospheric railway passing along Brunel's sea wall at Dawlish in South Devon, with inscription underneath.

Section of atmospheric pipe from South Devon Railway mounted on wooden presentation plaque

Short piece of pipe covered with Leroy's patent 1865, non-conducting composition for boilers

Short piece of pipe covered with Leroy's patent 1865, non-conducting composition for boilers

Short piece of pipe covered with fossil meal non-conducting composition

Short piece of pipe covered with fossil meal non-conducting composition

Length of 8" nom bore steam pipe approx. 2' radius made of steel welded construction with 8" riveted branch and welded flanges illustrates examples of joints and early welds

Length of 8" nom bore steam pipe

Cast iron uptake (?) pipe with square flanges, cast iron elbow with one square flange and rodding point and two covers that fit the rodding point, a larger cover for the rodding point on a stove uptake, and a rectangular cast-iron cover probably from the oil-box of a machine bearing

Cast iron uptake (?) pipe with square flanges

Cast Iron Hot Water Pipes with elbows and loose flange clamp connectors, c.1882

Cast Iron Hot Water Pipes with elbows and loose flange clamp connectors


Vacuum pipe from Beamline 16.5 of the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Daresbury, Cheshire, in use from 1993 to 2008. Used to isolate the vacuum in the beamline

Vacuum Pipe from Beamline 16.5, Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

Eight inch length of Roman lead pipe about four inches diam. with overcast longitudinal seam, from the old Roman baths at Bath

Eight inch length of Roman lead pipe about four inches diam. with overcast longitudinal seam