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"Easiwork" pressure cooker, 1936

Cast steel pressure cooker by A. Kendrick & Sons, 1885-1895.


'Prestige' pressure cooker and accessories, England, 1950-55


Welbank Boilerette double-jacketted form of pressure cooker


Pressure Cooker by Prestige, 1976-1977


`Vapor Control' double-jacketted form of pressure cooker, also known a s the `Goodnews Boilerette', with outer pressurized water jacket which raises inner cooking chamber to high temperature, marketed by Goodnew s Ltd. of London and made by Fogacci of Italy, 1983

`Vapor Control' double-jacketted form of pressure cooker


Welbank Boilerette double-jacketted form of pressure cooker, oval shap e with outer pressurized water jacket which rasies inner cooking chamb er to high temperature, of tinned steel construction, by G. H. Welbank , Banbury, 1925-1935

Welbank Boilerette double-jacketted form of pressure cooker


Cast iron pressure cooker of 4 quart capacity, with latches to secure the lid and steam release safety valve in centre of lid, by E. Pugh & Co., Wednesbury, Staffordshire, 1850-1870

Cast iron pressure cooker, c. 1860.


"Pentecon" pressure cooker by Joseph Sankey and Sons Ltd. of Bilston, 1927

"Pentecon" pressure cooker by Joseph Sankey and Sons Ltd. of Bilston


'Auto-Thermos' pressure cooker of insulated cast aluminium, with lid secured by removeable yoke, with spring-loaded piston acting as pressure regulating and warning device, and with Easiwork pressure gauge, UK patent 291364 in 1929 by Camille Hautier of Boulogne, France, 1927-1935

Auto-Thermos' pressure cooker, c. 1930


"Easiwork" pressure cooker of insulated cast aluminium, with lid secured by removeable yoke, with spring-loaded piston acting as pressure re gulation and warning device, original UK patent for "Auto-Thermos" pre ssure cooker pat no 291364 in 1929 by Camille Hautier of Boulogne-surSeine, France, 1929-1940

"Easiwork" pressure cooker of insulated cast aluminium
