Object type
Place of origin

A Projection Lens.

Projection lens 12 inch f.l.

A Projection Lens.

Projection lens

"Serie Superieure" Projection Lens.

Projection Lens 2 Inch.

Projection Lens.

Taylor-Hobson Maximum Projection Lens

Matched Pair of Zeiss CinemaScope Projection Lenses


Lynkeiscope Symmetrical Lens

circa 1890

Projection lens V

Double Achromatic Petzal Combination Projection Lens

circa 1910

Cine Projection Lens F.1.3

Filmosto Filmostar Projection Lens

Kodacolor Projection Lens for Model A Kodascope Projector

Projection lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Series XII Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Projection Lens 'Max-Lite'

Dallmeyer projection lens Series XII

Projection Lens 12" f.l.

Projection Lens.

Pathe ''Freres'' projection lens

An F. Faliez Objectif Cinema Siamor Projection Lens.

Projection Lens

Projection Lens f.4 200mm f.l.

Cooke Projection Lens

Projection Lens

Projection Lens.

Projection Lens

Varamorph GB Kalee Projection Pens

Taylor Hobson Ultima Projection Lenses

Two Gaumont Kalee Projection Lens

Projection Lens.

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer projection lens 50mm f.l. for 16mm projectors

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Dallmeyer Projection Lens

Projection lens for Lumiere Cinematographe no. 271, 1896.

Projection lens for Lumiere Cinematographe no. 271


Projection Lens, F:13cm. Rack focusing pinion missing. (M2719)

Projection lens

Petzval type projection lens c.F:15cm with rack for focusing.

Petzval Projection lens

Optimus Lantern lens. F:5" projection lens, rack and pinion focussing in 3 1/2" diameter tube.

Optimus lantern lens


Dallmeyer projection lens F:3 inches f/3.5 projection lens for Kodaslide projector. No. 432982. Dallmeyer Limited.

Dallmeyer Projection Lens