Coldrator Electric Refrigerator, model CT50-A; 220/250V A.C.; 50 cycles, using the Coldrator System Type FE22-A, no.E36790 refrigerant 8.5oz. weight Arcton 6. Made in Great Britain by The Hotpoint Electric Appliance Co. Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London, WC2, England, 1956. Coldrator Electric Refrigerator 1956
Electrolux Auto Defrost RA510 refrigerator, serial no.724, circa 1980 Electrolux Auto Defrost RA510 refrigerator
Fridge, Igloo Model FR 2831-B, used in conjunction with mechanical tree prototype for direct capture of carbon dioxide from the air, which was designed and built by Klaus Lacknerās team at the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2017. When the tree prototype was tested in 2018 in Phoenix, Arizona, intense heat caused the computing system to fail. The team used this fridge to keep the components cool during operation. Fridge used in conjunction with mechanical tree prototype, 2017 2017
B.T.H. Electric Refrigerator, Model AF2, No.47520, 215-250V, 50 c/s AC Single Phase motor. Manufactured by The British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd., Rugby, England, and supplied by International Refrigerator Co. Ltd., London. c.1935 B.T.H. Electric Refrigerator 1935
"Dry Cold Air" American Refrigerator, Clifton's patent, Size No. C1, machine No. 324. Manufactured by Chavasse & Co., London. 1880-1885. "Dry Cold Air" American Refrigerator 1880-1885
Crosley 'Shelvador' refrigerator, electric, under work-top size, U.S.A. c.1937 Crosley 'Shelvador' Refrigerator 1937
Prototype back-packable vaccine fridge for transporting quantities of vaccine to remote areas in the developing world, designed and developed from a proposal by the Save The Children Fund, by Postgraduate students at Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, England, 1989-1992 Vaccine refrigerator 1989-1992
Electrolux refrigerator, model G.5., water cooled, 1928. With thermostat. Electrolux refrigerator 1928
Laboratory refrigerator made by Foster, Kings Lynn, probably c.1970 Laboratory refrigerator made by Foster