Wooden foot rule, farmers staff
Foot rule (folding to 3") with sliding brass calliper
circa 1827
Section line ruler
Wooden rule of trigonometric functions
Mapmaker's quadrilateral rule
Folding printers' rule in ivory by Miller and Richard
Boxwood rule by W.F. Stanley
Metal Rule
wooden rule
Boxwood Everard rule signed B. Martin
Ivory rule
Two Wooden rules showing girth
Two double sided inscribed rules
Conversion rule for shilling per quarter and foreign prices
Currency conversion rule for France, Spain, Portugal and Italy
Currency conversion rule inscribed "All Germany and Switzerland"
Conversion rule for Amsterdam currency to others
Parallel rule on brass mounts
One 2 ft. Patternmaker's rule 1867
Boxwood rule
4 ft. coachmaker's rule
6" and a 12" No 350 stainless steel rule
Near-point rule
Brass rule used in making planispheres and maps
Boxwood rule, with integral bass encased spirit level
6" bellmetal rule engraved "Joseph Whitworth
Half-metre rule
Half-metre rule
One two fold rule 2 ft
Atmospheric Diffusion slide rule in case, Met O Scientific Paper No 24, Met O 774 and inscribed 'tag'
Half-metre rule