Scrapbook and collection of newspaper and magazine cuttings relating to the MRC Common Cold Research Unit, Salisbury and research into the common cold, 1980-86. MRC Common Cold Reseach Unit scrapbook and cuttings 1980-1986
[Scrapbooks (5) relating to the development of photography, chiefly between 1880 and 1910 / Donald G. Macalister. Include journal articles, newpaper cuttings, trade literature and ms. notes, with some biographical material on Henry Chapman Jones. Vols. 1 and 2 consist chiefly of extracts from the journal Photography in chronological order; the remaining volumes contain more varied material in random order. Also included are extracts from as early as the 1850s and as late as 1933. Not indexed] Five scrapbooks on the history of photography compiled by Donald G Macalister, c 1880 to c 1910 1870-1920
[Scrap books (2) containing newspaper and periodical cuttings etc re ballooning and aviation, 1907-1914; with loose items including programmes and photographs. Seemingly compiled by Griffith Brewer, it includes much coverage of early flying in general and the Wright brothers in particular. Contains programmes for air races (including the second Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup, 1907 Oct) and for lunches/dinners, and photographs (in 3 folders)] Scrap books (2) containing newspaper and periodical cuttings etc re ballooning and aviation 1907-1914