Moxon's Evening Railway Share List, dated Saturday 22nd November 1845. Contains the share prices of a number of railway companies as well as details relating to the Leeds' exchanges, including their opening times. The list was published by Samuel Moxon at 6pm each evening. Moxon's Evening Railway Share List 1845
Share list, London daily railway, Printed by Couchman, Thursday December 28 1848. London Daily Railway Share List 1848-12-28
Share list, London Daily Railway Share List, No 265, Stock exchange 4 o'Clock, Tuesday 10 December 1844, (Other IDs 76/25/605). London Daily Railway Share List 1845
Daily railway share list, published by J.B. Wetenhall. Dated Tuesday October 24, 1865. Subscription price £2 10s, if by post £4 12s per Annum. Published by the authority of the Committee of the Stock Exchange, with exceptions of the "Closing Prices", for which the publisher is alone responsible. Contains information on railway stock prices from around the world. Daily Railway Share List 1865