Ihagee Weeny-Ultrix 127 rollfilm camera; 2 1/2 x 5/8". Tessar f/4.5, 6.5cm lens, Serial No 1328911. Compur shutter. Serial No 382990. Ihagee Weeny-Ultrix Camera 1931
Instamatic 56X camera in special presentation packing with two magicubes, film, camera pouch, instructions. Kodak 56X Instamatic camera gift outfit
Pocket camera for 110 cartridge film; Lanthar f/5.6 lens; variable aparture; brightline finder; hot shoe. No 6909511. Voigtländer Vitoret 110 camera 1976-1978
Red Bakelite miniature box camera for 16mm rollfilm 14 x 18mm. Simple lens fitted, of fixed focus and aperture. Instantaneous shutter with safety and catch. Optical direct vision finder. Coronet Camera Co. Cornot Midget Miniature Camera
Ernemann pocket plate camera, made by Ernemann, Dresden. Collapsing all metal body, bellows camera 1 3/4 x 2 3/4 plates. Ernemann Doppel-Objective Series A No. 195359, F:65mm, f11-25. 2 blade shutter, 25/50/100/B/T. everset. Large frame finder. With filmpack adaptor. Ernemann Pocket Plate Camera
Metal-bodied subminiature camera for 18mm wide rollfilm 14 x 14mm. F: 25mm, f/9 fixed aperture lens. Single speed shutter. Optical direct vision finder. Made in Western Germany. The Petie camera 1955-1970
Collapsing camera for 4.5 x 6cm plates. Fitted with an Ernemann Dopp. Objective series A f/11-28 No. 471208. Ernemann shutter 25/50/100/B/T. Folding wire finder. Ground glass screen with hood and mirror. H form folding construction, black crackle finish. Ernemann. Ernemann Miniature Plate Camera
Miniature box plate camera, possibly made in Germany. Box camera for 4.5 x 6 cm plates in single holders. Single fixed focus lens, c.F:5.5cm, cf/16. B/T/I shutter. Direct vision finder and focussing screen missing. Leather covered cardboard. Miniature box plate camera 1920
Kombi camera, 1895. Manufactured by Alfred Kemper, Chicago. Miniature brass box camera and graphoscope. Roll film 1 1/4 inch wide, pictures 1/4 inch square. Simple lens, fixed aperture and focus. Time and Instantaneous shutter, in original carton. Lens, pressure plate and mask missing. Serial No 15107. (M1308) Kombi Box Camera 1895
Subminiautre camera for 16mm cartirdge film; 10x14mm Rokkor lens F:25mm f/3.5; dial weather symbol aperture control; single speed shutter; coaxial flash socket; direct vision finder; in zip case with wrist strap. No. 138324. Minolta 16 Model P camera
Univex Model A camera, made by the Universal Camera Corporation, NY. Black bakelite miniature rollfilm camera for 30mm rollfilms 28x38mm. Simple fixed aperture and focus lens; flipflop shutter; Frame finder. Univex Model A camera 1933
Novelty minicamera for 110 cartridge film. Cartridge doubles up as key ring and coin holder, 1986, Chinese Novelty Minicamera For 110 Cartridge Film 1986
Kombi miniature camera, made by Alfred C. Kemper, Chicago. Combined camera for 30mm wide film, 26x26mm, pictures and graphoscope. Metal box 50x40x40mm. Simple lens fixed aperture and focus T/I shutter. No viewfinder. Back removes and pressure plates replaced by ground glass to convert to viewer. In original carton. No 11147. (M 4856). Kombi miniature camera
Sub miniature camera for taking 6 approx 5cm diameter pictures on disc of cut film. 24mm diameter. Simple lens, of fixed aperture. B/I shutter. Direct vision finder with single concave lens. Film carried in darkroom loaded light trapped holders for daylight loading in camera. Made in Japan. Petal camera 1947-1955
Sub miniature camera for 16mm film. Fitted with a Riken Stekinar lens F: 2.5cm f/3.5-16. Shutter 25/50/100/B, everset. Direct vision optical finder. Coaxial flash socket. Accessory shoe. Riken Optical Industries. Steky subminiature camera Model IIIB
Coronet Midget 16mm still camera with brown mottled bakelite casing in original pouch. Fixed focus f/10 lens with single 1/30 speed. Coronet Midget camera 1943-1945
Collapsing camera for 4cm wide rollfilm. F/9-32 lens with shutter 25/50/100/B/T. With brilliant reflecting rotating finder. Sliding focusing control acting on erecting struts. Miniature Rollfilm Camera
Rollei 16S camera outfit. Subminiature camera for 16mm film in cassette. Manufactured by Rollei-Werke Francke and Heidecke, Germany. Rollei 16S camera outfit 1966
Miniature camera for 18mm wide rollfilm (13x13mm); F:25mm f/9 lens; single speed shutter; direct vision finder. Petie Camera 1950-1970
Magan Wrist-A-Matic; The wrist camera, cassette and an original carton. Magna Wrist-A-Matic camera 1981
Subminiature camera for 16mm film in drop in cassettes, 10x14mm. Rokkor F:25mm f/3.5 - 16 lens. Two speed shutter - normal and flash setting. Dial the weather aperture setting guide. Direct vision optical finder. Thumbwheel windon. Wrist strap. No 446676 coxial flash socket. In original carton, with zip case, silica gel pack, instructions (filed), guarantee and retailer's receipt. Minolta-16 Model P camera
Plastic body camera for 828 rollfilm 3 x 4 cm. Fitted with a simple lens of fixed aperture. Flip flop shutter. Direct vision frame finder. Snappy camera 1950
Miniature camera for 16mm rollfilm 14x14mm. Single lens, fixed aperture and focus. 1/25 sec and B shutter. Directvision pseudo optical finder. With leather everready case, in original carton with instructions. Crystar camera 1953-1957
The Presto camera, made by E.B. Koopman, New York, invented by Herman Casler, inventor. Metal miniature plate or film camera. 4 plates 1 1/4" square. Carried in rotating holder or 30mm roll film. Single lens 3 stops in rotating plate. T/I shutter, with spare plate holder.(M 947) The Presto camera 1894-1904