Demonstation pack of Trisequens hormone replacement therapy tablets manufactured by Novo Industri A/S 1992
Packet containing "Tabloid" quinine and camphor tablets, prepared by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1924-1950 Packet containing "Tabloid" quinine and camphor tablets 1924-1950
Pouch of Oxford Vitality 120 Vegan Vitamin D3 1,000IU tablets from Covid-19 Health Pack created by the Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN). Pouch of Vegan Vitamin D Tablets from Covid-19 Health Pack
Pouch of Oxford Vitality 120 Vitamin D3 2,000iu tablets from Covid-19 Health Pack created by the Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN). Pouch of Vitamin D Tablets from Covid-19 Health Pack
Two cardboard wrappers each containing a tube of calsalettes uncoated tablets, by Torbet Lactic Oat Co. Ltd., Edinburgh, 1920-1940 Two cardboard wrappers each containing a tube of calsalettes uncoated tablets
3 boxes each containing a tube of Travikalm travel sickness tablets, by Genatosan Ltd., Loughborough, 1955-1975 3 boxes each containing a tube of Travikalm travel sickness tablets
2 boxes each of 120 Calfos tablets, for calcium deficiency, by Calfos Ltd., London, 1950-1970 2 boxes each of 120 Calfos tablets
2 boxes each containing a bottle of Purgoids laxative tablets, by Evans Medical Ltd., Speke. 1950-1970 2 boxes each containing a bottle of Purgoids laxative tablets 1950-1970
Glass bottle, containing `Tabloid' brand tablets of Ipecacuanha (deprived of tis Emetic Principle) Glass bottle
Bottle of "Redoxon" vitamin C tablets, by Roche Products Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, England, 1950-1965 Bottle of 'Redoxon' vitamin C tablets 1950-1965
2 plastic bottles, containing unidentified tablets, sealed and labelled for the NHS drug testing scheme 2 plastic bottles 1988
1x50 bottle of Opilon tablets (thymoxamine hydrochloride), dispensed by R.T. Christopher and made by Warner, 1960-1985, prescribed to improve blood circulation Bottle of 'Opilon' tablets 1960-1985
Corked yellow glass phial with printed red and white paper label, containing 12 hypodermic tablets, held in place with wadding. Label states 'Burroughs Wellcome and Co. Trade mark 'TABLOID' Brand. Hypodermic. Eucaine Hydrochloride. No.79 gr. 1/3 (0.022 grm.) POISON.' phial; tablets
Box containing Anti-bi-san tablets, influenza preventative for young children, by Anti-bi-san Ltd., London, 1940-1960 Box containing Anti-bi-san tablets
Packet containing 12 tablets of Aller-eze Plus (antihistamine) for hay fever, by Intercare Products Ltd. (Sandoz), 1985-1988 Packet containing 12 tablets of Aller-eze Plus (antihistamine) for hay fever 1985-1988
Eight 'Paludrine' tablets in sachet, one of ten anti-malarial drug preparations from ICI Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals Division), 1951-1975. Eight 'Paludrine' tablets in sachet 1951-1975
Four glass phials with metal caps containing ipecacuanha and opium tablets, 0.3 g, wrapped in paper, with two additional packets not in a phial. Each phial: 101 mm x 18 mm diameter, 21 g. Unknown maker, produced for the German Army by various depots in Frankfurt and Cologne, 1915-1916. Four glass phials and two additional packets not in a phial, all containing ipecacuanha and opium 1915-1916
2 plastic tubes of CAAPI tablets, by H.R. Napp Ltd., England, 1960-1970 2 plastic tubes of CAAPI tablets
Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1964-1979 Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd.
Bottle of oestrogen female hormone tablets, by the British Drug Houses Limited, London, England, 1935-1955 Bottle of oestrogen female hormone tablets, c. 1950 1935-1955
3 packets each containing 18 tablets of Treps for diarrhoea, by The British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1960-1980 3 packets each containing 18 tablets of Treps for diarrhoea 1960-1980
Tube of "Allevin" Compound Salicylamide tablets, with instruction leaflet, in original carton, Herts Pharmaceuticals Limited, Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom Tube of "Allevin" tablets in original carton with instruction leaflet
2 metal tubes each containing 14 Benefax tablets (liver concentrate) for children, by Benefax Ltd., London, 1955-1975 2 metal tubes each containing 14 Benefax tablets (liver concentrate) for children
2 boxes each containing a tube of Germolets tablets, "for the blood",by Veno drug Co. Ltd. , Manchester, 1920-1940 2 boxes each containing a tube of Germolets tablets