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Virus Watch testing kit, containing HSL COVID Request form, safety bag and absorbent pad made by DaklaPack, clear plastic bag, sealed swab and tube with Sigma Virocult transport medium, made by MWE (Medical Wire), and cardboard box addressed to FAO Virus Watch Study, given to volunteer Lisa Syne, 2021

Virus Watch testing kit


Opened unused home testing swab kit with barcodes, instructions and box for weekly PCR COVID-19 testing, of the type used by volunteers for weekly tests during the clinical trials of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine by the Oxford Vaccine Group and the Jenner Institute

COVID-19 test kit used by Oxford Vaccine Group's clinical trial volunteers


Diagnostic material and paperwork associated with the Assessment of Transmission And Contagiousness of COVID-19 Contacts (ATACCC) Study undertaken from 2020 at Imperial College's NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) at St Mary's Hospital, London, UK consisting of a UN3373 envelope with Copan swab, Copan conical tube with screw cap containing 3ml of UTM-RT transport medium lot, VTM (viral transport medium) made by ATACC lab in Sterilin 20ml conical tube with white screw cap, 2 Bio-Packaging cardboard boxes labelled diagnostic specimen each containing a plastic tube with screw top and UN3373 bag, PHE microbiology request form labelled COVID 19 testing and project ECOVATACCC, grey bag and eligibility form for participants

Diagnostic material and paperwork associated ATACCC Study on COVID-19


Diagnostic material and paperwork associated with the Integrated Network for Surveillance, Trials and Investigation of COVID-19 Transmission (INSTINCT) Study undertaken at Imperial College's NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) at St Mary's Hospital, London, UK consisting of 5 bags of sampling equipment in a DGP Pathoseal 95 A4 bag, information sheets for Adults Cohort 1 (blank participant information sheet, participant consent form, daily symptom and temperature tracker days 0-8), information sheets for Adults Cohort 2-3 (blank participant information sheet, 2 copies of blank participant consent form, case record form – baseline visit, sample tracking form, daily symptom tracker – days 0 to 8, and daily symptom tracker – days 9 to 28) and Information for children about participating in the INSTINCT study including Cohort 2 and 3 (blank young person aged 11-15 participant information sheet, 2 copies of participant assent form – child aged 5-10 and young person aged 11-15, daily symptom tracker – days 0 to 8, daily symptom tracker – days 9 to 28, sample tracking form, case record form – baseline visit, and parent/legal guardian consent form – for children aged 5-15) and eligibity form

Diagnostic material and paperwork associated with INSTINCT study