Screen for hygrometers containing wet and dry bulb thermometers, hair hygrometer and minimum thermometer, as used in Norway, 1875. Screen for hygrometers with thermometers and their box 1875
Marine thermometer screen with wet and dry bulb thermometers, issued by the Meteorological Office in 1863 Marine thermometer screen with wet and dry bulb thermometers 1863
MO thermometer screen for mercury-in-steel thermograph, 1965 MO thermometer screen for mercury-in-steel thermograph 1965
Large MO thermometer screen and locking bracket for screen door, unsigned, 1965 Large MO thermometer screen, 1965 1965
Wall thermometer screen containing psychrometer, maximum and minimum thermometers, Germany, c. 1904. Wall thermometer screen containing psychrometer 1904
Meteorological Office electrical thermometer screen by Jennings & Meacock Ltd. Meteorological Office electrical thermometer screen