Object type
Train signalling regulations, Codes of Engine Whistles BR 28100, British Railways North Eastern Operating Area, 27th April 1952, light blue card covers, 47 pages.

Codes of Engine Whistles


Train operating procedures, London & North Eastern Railway (North Eastern Area), "Reporting of Trains by Telegraph or Telephone", 1st June 1929, 106 pages, blue linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Operating Procedures 1929


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Electric Token Block System", 1st October 1938, 29 pages, amendment sheets for 31/12/46 and 1947, green linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1938


Train signalling regulations, London Midland & Scottish Railway, "Book Of Instructions to Station Masters, Signalmen and Others containing The Regulations for Train Sigalling on Single Lines by the Electric Token Block System (section 3 of the Rule Book); also General Instructions to Signalmen", 3rd September 1934 (until further notice), 44 pages, linen hard covers.

London Midland & Scottish Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Block signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (Southern Area), "Regulations for Train Signalling by Block Telegraph", August 1942, 28 pages, some later amendments, green linen backed card cover.

London & North Eastern Railway Signalling Regulations 1942


Train signalling regulations, Book of Engine Whistles (No 1), North British Railway, 8th August 1921, red linen cover, 84 pages.

Book of Engine Whistles (No 1)


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on the section of line Woking Junction to Basingstoke East", on and from 2nd February 1930, 14 pages, hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Extracts from Block Regulations also Particulars of Modifications in Standard Block Working, etc, for the information of Drivers, Firemen, Guards and others concerned", 2nd February 1930, 48 pages, linen hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines where Block Apparatus Not Provided", on and from 31st March 1935, 23 pages, some amendments, hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1935


Train signalling instructions, Great Western Railway, "Synopsis of Course of Instruction in the subject of Safe Working of Railways and the Appliances Used in Connection Therewith. For the use of students of The Signalling Classes", October 1919, 84 pages, blue linen hard covers.

Great Western Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1919


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (North East Area), "Regulations for Train Signalling by Block Telegraph on Double and Single Lines of Railway", 2nd December 1923 (reprinted edition October 1931), 54 pages, red linen hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1923


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934 (reprinted edition 1st July 1945), 26 pages, some amendments, paper covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934, 26 pages, red linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Wrong Line Order Form A Guard to Signalman", BR 87212, 6 pink forms stapled into one book.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations

Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Wrong Line Order Form A Guard to Signalman", BR 87212, 6 pink forms stapled into one book.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations

Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934, 26 pages, some amendments, red linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, (Sectional Appendix), Signal Whistles to be Given by Drivers of Engines, List of Water Columns, List of Turntables, List of Places at which Engines can obtain Coal, North Eastern Railway, 1st April 1921 until further notice, blue/greylinen bound card covers, 142 pages.

Signal Whistles to be given by Drivers of Engines


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (North East Area), "Regulations for Train Signalling by Block Telegraph on Double and Single Lines of Railway", 2nd December 1923 (reprinted edition October 1931), 54 pages, red linen hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1923


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System with Train Staff or Train Staff and Ticket Working", 1st January 1937, 18 pages, blue linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1937


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Standard Regulations for Train Signalling on Double and Single Lines, Including Description of Signalling Instruments etc", 2nd February 1930 (reprinted January 1945), 112 pages, issued by British Railways (Southern Region), as BR 30143 with some amendments, red linen hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Train signalling regulations, Code of Revised Engine Whistles, South Eastern & Chatham Railway, 18th March 1917, 5 pages.

Code of Revised Engine Whistles


Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Wrong Line Order Form C Guard to Driver", BR 87214, 6 white forms stapled into one book.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations

Block signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (Southern Area), "Regulations for Train Signalling by Block Telegraph", August 1942, 28 pages, green linen backed card cover.

London & North Eastern Railway Signalling Regulations 1942


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (North East Area), "Regulations for Train Signalling by Block Telegraph on Double and Single Lines of Railway", 2nd December 1923, 54 pages, red linen hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1923


Train signalling regulations, Signal Whistles to be Given by Drivers of Engines, North Eastern Railway, 1st January 1908, blue linen bound book, 126 pages.

Signal Whistles to be given by Drivers of Engines


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934, 26 pages, amendments from 31/12/1946, red linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Block signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (North Eastern Area), "Extracts from the Appendix to the General Rules and Regulations and to the Working Time Table", no date on covers but refers to 19th July 1929, "this pamphlet is intended for the use of students attending the Block Signalling Classes, in connection with the Secondary Examinations", 52 pages, includes incomplete block signalling regulations, book format.

London & North Eastern Railway Signalling Regulations 1929


Train signalling regulations, (Sectional Appendix), Codes of Whistles to be Given by Drivers of Engines, List of Water Columns, List of Turntables, List of Places at which Engines can obtain Coal, London & North Eastern Railway (North Eastern Area), 1st June 1929 until further notice, linen bound book with card back, 136 pages.

Codes of Whistles to be given by Drivers of Engines


Train signalling regulations, London Midland & Scottish Railway, "Book Of Instructions to Station Masters, Signalmen and Others containing The Regulations for Train Sigalling on Single Lines by the Electric Token Block System (section 3 of the Rule Book); also General Instructions to Signalmen", 3rd September 1934 (until further notice), 44 pages, linen hard covers. Some ammendments

London Midland & Scottish Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Wrong Line Order Form C Guard to Driver", BR 87214, 6 white forms stapled into one book.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations

Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Electric Token Block System", 1st October 1935, 29 pages, green linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1935


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Standard Regulations for Train Signalling on Double and Single Lines, Including Description of Signalling Instruments etc", 2nd February 1930 (reprinted January 1945), 112 pages, some amendments, red linen hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "The instructions contained in this publication are issued for the information of Drivers, Firemen and Guards and supercede all previous similar instructions", on and from 31st March 1935 (reprinted September 1942, incorporating supplement dated 4/3/36), 29 pages, includes British Railways 25th April 1949 update, linen hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1942


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System with Train Staff or Train Staff and Ticket Working", 1st January 1937, 18 pages, blue linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1937


Block signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (Southern Area, Eastern Section), "Regulations for train signalling on the single line between Reedham Junction and Breydon Junction by Special Electric Train Tablet Instrument", 31st August 1936, 11 pages, card cover, typewritten instructions.

London & North Eastern Railway Signalling Regulations 1936


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934, 26 pages, some amendments, red linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System", 1st January 1934, 26 pages, some amendments, red linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1934


Train signalling regulations, Southern Railway, "Extracts from Block Regulations also Particulars of Modifications in Standard Block Working, etc, for the information of Drivers, Firemen, Guards and others concerned", 2nd February 1930, 48 pages, linen hard covers.

Southern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Electric Token Block System", 1st October 1935, 29 pages, amended, green linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1935


Block signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway (North Eastern Area), "Extracts from the Appendix to the General Rules and Regulations and to the Working Time Table", no date on covers but refers to 19th July 1929, "this pamphlet is intended for the use of students attending the Block Signalling Classes, in connection with the Secondary Examinations", 52 pages, includes incomplete block signalling regulations, book format.

London & North Eastern Railway Signalling Regulations 1929


Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Wrong Line Order Form B Driver to Signalman", 6 green forms stapled into one book.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations

Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Electric Token Block System", 1st October 1935, 29 pages, 1938 reprint, green linen covered hard covers.

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1935


Train signalling regulations, London & North Eastern Railway, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Single Lines of Railway by the Absolute Block System with Train Staff or Train Staff and Ticket Working", 1st January 1937, 18 pages, blue linen covered hard covers. [Possibly a 1944 reprint, based on printing code]

London & North Eastern Railway Train Signalling Regulations 1937


Train signalling regulations, British Railways, "Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalmen's General Instructions ", BR 29960, 124 pages, green linen hard covers.

British Railways Train Signalling Regulations 1960


Train signalling regulations, "Regulations for Train Signalling on Double Lines. Applicable only in Inner London Area (London West Division)", on and from 2nd February 1930, 32 pages, some amendments, hard covers.

Train Signalling Regulations 1930


Block signalling regulations, Metropolitan & Great Central Joint Committee, November 1945, 20 pages, wide range of amendments, blue linen covered binding.

Metropolitan & Great Central Joint Committee Block Signalling Regulations 1945


Train signalling regulations, Book of Engine Whistles (No 2), London & North Eastern (Southern Scottish Area), January 1936, light blue card covers, 64 pages.

Book of Engine Whistles


Train signalling regulations, Code of Engine Whistles BR 28100/1, British Railways (Eastern Operating Area), 27th April 1952, light brown card covers, 36 pages.

Code of Engine Whistles