Metal component associated with the 100 K.W. Radial Flow Steam Turbine alternator with Generator 1891
Partly sectioned 100 K.W. Radial Flow Steam Turbine alternator with Generator, built by C. A. Parsons and Company, Newcastle upon Tyne in 1892 for the Cambridge Electric Supply Company. 100 K.W. Parsons' Radial Flow Steam Turbine alternator with Generator, partly sectioned 1892
Sectional model, scale 1:5, of a steam turbine for a torpedo-boat destroyer, patented by Dr. H. Zoelly in 1899, in glass case with key (see note), by Escher Wyss and Co Engineers. Zurich, c.1910 Model of a Zoelly Marine Turbine and Brass Plaque. 1910-1914
Parsons compound non-condensing steam turbine driving a 4 KW. 65V. D.C. generator; built in 1887 by Clarke, Chapman, Parsons & Co. Parsons compound non-condensing steam turbine driving a generator 1887
Bronze Ring for turbine spindle, 1884, with straight blades cut on the edge Bronze Ring for turbine spindle
Hand-cranked model, scale 1:12, of the marine type turbine double reduction gears, reducing from 3000 to 70 RPM, with Michell thrust bearing, as fitted to the SS ' America' (c.1919), by the Power Plant Company Ltd., West Drayton, Middlesex, England, 1919-1922 Model of marine type turbine double reduction gears with Michell thrust bearing 1919-1922
Sectional model in wood, scale 1:32, of engine room and single geared turbine machinery designed for the proposed battle cruiser H.M.S. 'Howe', (1918), showing adjacent hull framing, unsigned, British, 1918-1931 Model of engine room and geared turbine machinery of proposed battle cruiser H.M.S. 'Howe' 1918-1931
Rotating element of Richardsons Westgarth-Brown Boveri exhaust gas turbine driven pressure charger, with polished wooden baseboard, two wooden supports and engraved white plastic label Rotating element of Richardsons Westgarth-Brown Boveri exhaust gas turbine driven pressure charger
Sectional model, scale 1:48, showing the portside of the turbine installation of the TS 'Queen Elizabeth' (1938), each section with an explanatory label, by John Brown and Co. Ltd., Scotland, 1938-1947 Model of turbine machinery in T.S. 'Queen Elizabeth' 1938-1947
Sectioned model, scale 1:8, of the marine gas turbine fitted in the M.S. 'Auris', (c. 1951), the first merchant ship to be fitted by gas-turbine propulsion, by British Thomson-Houston Company Limited, with glazed case on table stand (see note). Sectioned model of the Gas Turbine fitted in the M.S. 'Auris' 1951-1953
Working model of Parson's doubel reduction geared turbine machinery with two driving shaft, by Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co. Ltd., Wallsend, 1927-1929 Working model of Parsons Double, reduction geared turbines 1927-1929
100 K.W. Radial Flow Steam Turbine alternator with Generator and metal component, by C. A. Parsons and Company, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England, United Kingdom, 1891 100 K.W. Radial Flow Steam Turbine alternator with Generator 1891