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Octagonal Union Case of brown shellac


Rectangular union case of dark brown shellac


Rectangular Union Case of dark brown shellac elaborately moulded


Rectangular Union Case of dark brown shellac


Oval Union Case of black shellac


100x125mm dark brown rectangular union case same as 1990-5036/UC01, UC02 and UC14. Exterior design has a central scene showing people dancing with a man playing a fiddle on the left and a decorative border of flowers, bread and corn. No picture.

Union Case 'The Country Dance' Manufactured by S. Peck and Company

circa 1856

For whole plate pictures; black composition; formal design on reverse. Exterior design shows a rowing boat with many men rowing and preparing to land with one man standing proudly at the helm with a flag flying behind. Possibly commemorating a discovery of land or naval battle.

Union Case With 'Washington Crossing The Delaware' Motif

Case the same as 1990-5036/UC1 (card missing). Contains portrait of young gentleman seated three quarter length. Possibly brother of subject in 1990-5036/UC1. Gilt on watch chain and ring.

Union Case 'The Country Dance' manufactured by S Peck and Co

circa 1856

Moulded thermoplastic Union Case decorated with design of man and womans sat at table (playing chess); with purple plush lining. Contains ambrotype portrait of woman.

Union Case with portrait of woman


80x115mm black rectangular union case. Maker John Smith (check card). Trade paper inside says 'Improved Patent Union Case' Formal design front and back. Diamond shaped pattern in centre. Plain red plush lining. Plain oblong gilt mat with rounded top. Patterned pinchbeck frame. Contains beautifully tinted carte-de-visite by J. Hawke, 53 Union Street, Stonehouse, Devon. Portrait of lady standing in crinoline, dress in front of painted backdrop.

Oblong Union Case, Possibly For Ferrotypes

circa 1860

125x100mm dark brown rectangular union case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company. Centre design of case similar to 1990-5036/UC03. Interior houses a trade paper mounted within oval gilt matt frame with shield design in four corners edged with leaves and surmounted with star a Leaf design around edges. Purple plush lining with formal design. No picture. Exterior design shows an intricate scene with a man kneeling behind a low table with two noblemen standing to the right and a horse behind.

Rectangular Union Case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company

Octagonal dark brown union case decorated on both sides with the scene 'General Marion Sharing Yams With British Officer'. Made by Littlefield Parsons and Co. (trade paper inside case). Lined with purple plush with floral motif. Oval gilt pinchbeck frame with waffled design, no glass. Name on mat Holes Booth and Haydens pat Oct 1855. Collodion positive portrait two children, a girl and boy. The girl has ringlets and is holding flowers, which have been coloured. The boy has a lace collar. Both full face.

Union Case 'General Marion Sharing Yams With British Officer'

circa 1860

90x97mm dark brown union case by S. Peck (Trade Paper on back says 'S Peck's Patent Feb 5th 1856 - H. Halverson's patent Aug 7th 1855 - assigned to S. Peck'). Die cast by H. W. Hayden, from picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence 'The Calmady Children'. Shows two young girls close up in a field. Back is mostly plain with grape design in centre and leaf design in four corners. Lined with purple plush with formal motif. Oval gilt patterned matt. Pinchbeck frame. 60x70mm collodion positive by J. TImms, 31 High Holborn, London. Three quarter young gentleman seated almost full face. Some tinting. Nice trade card backing picture.

Rectangular Union Case by S Peck 'The Calmady Children'

circa 1853

100x122mm black rectangular union case. 'The Washington Monument, Richmond, VA.' by S Peck & Co. Die-engraver F. Goll. Trade paper inside. Design only on one side. Lined with dark red plush with formal motif. Plain oval gilt mat and patterned pinchbeck frame. No frame.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Washington Monument, Richmond VA', by S Peck

circa 1858

122x100mm dark brown union case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller' by A. P. Critchlow and Company. Trade paper inside. Design both sides. Lined with purple plush with formal design in centre. No mat or frame. No picture.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller', A P Critchlow

circa 1857

65x75mm dark brown union case 'Mary and her Lamb' by Littlefield, Parsons & Co. Same both sides. Lined with topaz coloured plush with formal motif. Plain oval gilt mat, patterned pinchbeck frame. 55x45mm h/s portrait of elderly gentleman dressed in military uniform, with medals. Taken from a painting or sketch.

Rectangular Union Case 'Mary and her Lamb' by Littlefield, Parsons & Co

circa 1861

120x100mm dark brown union case by S Peck and Company (Peck and Halverson's patent 'The Horse Race'). Same picture front and back. Octagonal gilt mat oval cut by Scovill Manufacturing Company. Lined with red plush with formal design. Patterend pinchbeck frame. 87x67mm collodion positive by Wane and Rothwell, Douglas Isle of Man. Three quarter lenght portrait middle aged gentleman full face. Face and hands tinted. Gilt on tie pin and ring.

Octagonal Dark Brown Union Case 'The Horse Race' by S Peck and Company

circa 1856

85x95mm union case frame. Formal design in corners. Single hanging ring. Rectangular gilt mat. Pinchbeck frame. 40x50mm collodion positive of young gentleman seated full face. Gilt on buttons on ring.

Union Case Picture Frame

65x75mm dark brown union case 'Angel Carrying Babies' by S Peck & Co. Same bith sides. Lined with dark red plush lining with formal design. Heavy ornate oval gilt mat by Holmes, Booth and Hayden. Pinchbeck frame. Trade paper inside. 50x63mm collodion on paper. Youngish woman seated holding book. Lace on neck and at wrists. Card in back appears to be her funeral card. She died aged 38. NB convex glass over paper.

Rectangular Union Case 'Angel Carrying Babies' by S Peck & Co

circa 1856

125x105mm brown union case 'The Tryst' by Littlefield, Parsons and Co. See 1990-5036/UC36. Trade paper inside with Littlefield, Parsons & Co. No lining, mat or frame. No picture. Attributed in Rinhart to A P Critchlow & Co.

Union Case 'The Tryst' (The Appointment) by Littlefield, Parsons & Co

circa 1857

100x125mm light brown rectangular union case same as 1990-5036/UC01 and UC02. One hinge broken. 68x93mm collodion positive of young gentleman seated three quarter face. Arm resting on table. Backdrop of sea scene with sailboat. Fully tinted.

Union Case 'The Country Dance' Manufactured by S Peck and Company

circa 1856

82x96mm dark brown union case by Littlefield, Parsons & Co. Typical oval formal design, same front and back. Rectangular plain gilt mat with fluted edges. Patterned pinchbeck frame. Trade paper inside. 62x65mm half length portrait colldion positive of young woman holding baby on her knee. Not very good.

Dark Brown Union Case By Littlefield, Parsons & Co

85x95mm octagonal dark brown union case. trade paper inside 'S Peck & H Halverson Patent'. Formal oval design front and back with 'swirl' border. Purple plush lining with formal motif. Oval gilt mat, patterned pinchbeck frame. 70x83mm collodion positive half length portrait of young woman seated, full face. Wearing stripped dress. Gilt on brooch, ring and necklace.

Octagonal Dark Brown Union Case by S Peck and H Halverson

circa 1855

125x105mm brown union case 'The Tryst' by Littlefield, Parsons and Co. Die-engraver A Schaefer. Lined with purple plush with formal motif. No mat or frame. No picture. Attributed in Rinhart to A P Critchlow & Co.

Union Case 'The Tryst' (The Appointment) by Littlefield, Parsons & Co

circa 1857

48x55mm oval union case 'Fruits of the Harvest' by S Peck & Co. No lining or mat. Oval pinchbeck frame. 30x35mm h/s ferrotype portrait of young woman near full face. Attributed to Scovill Manufacturing Company in Rinhart.

Small Oval Union Case 'Fruits of the Harvest' by S Peck and Company

circa 1865

85x95mm dark brown rectangular union case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company. Ornate cross design in centre both sides. Rose and daisy motif in centre of cross. Scroll design around edges. Lined with dark red plush with formal design. Very pretty ornate gilt mat with daisy design in corners. Fluted edges. Made by Holmes, Booth and Hayden. Patterned pinchbeck frame. No picture.

Rectangular Union Case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company

circa 1857

90x97mm light brown union case, same as 1990-5036/UC09, UC10 and UC11.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Proud Elk' by S Peck and Halverson

circa 1860

85x95mm dark brown octagonal union case by S Peck & H Halverson. Formal oval desing front and back. Sides of case badly chipped. Lined with red plush with formal motif. Oval gilt mat and patterned pinchbeck frame. 70x80mm half length portrait of young woman seated on carved chair. Slight tinting, gilt on chain, rings etc.

Union Case, Octagonal, by S Peck & H Halverson

circa 1855

85x95mm dark brown union case. Formal design. Oval motif with diapered centre. Slight crack along top front. Lined with emerald green plush with formal design. Plain gilt mat. No frame. 57x68mm daguerreotype portrait middle aged gentleman seated three quarter face. Face and hands tinted.(Rinhart, in his book, suggests Holmes, Booth and Hayden as casemaker).

Rectangular Union Case 'Oval Motif' With Diapered Centre by A P Critchlow

circa 1860

90x97mm dark brown union case same as 1990-5036/UC09.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Proud Elk' by S Peck and Halverson

circa 1860

85x95mm dark brown union case 'Accented Oval' by S Peck and Company (Peck and Halverson Patent 1855). Contains two heavy rectangular mats with fluted edges and roses design in corner. Patterned pinchbeck frames. Die engraver Smith. 70x80mm two collodion positive pictures. Both half length portraits of young wman, probably sisters. Both full face. Gilt on necklaces and rings. Name on back of one 'Demerara 4.4.60'.

Rectangular Union Case 'Accented Oval' by S Peck & Co


65x75mm dark brown union case variation of ornate cross theme. Possibly by the Scovill Manufacturing Company. Trade paper inside says 'Patent American Union Case'. Lined with dark blue plush with formal motif. Plain oval gilt mat with patterned pinchbeck frame. 53x65mm tinted albumen print, h/s portrait of young woman. Written on back 'Mr Ernest Edwards, 20 Baker St, London'.

Rectangular Union Case 'Ornate Cross' Variation, possibly by Scovill Manufacturing Company

circa 1862

120x95mm octagonal brown union case (as 1990-5036/UC03) 'General Marrion Sharing Yams With British Officer', from a painting by John B White. Made by Littlefield Parsons and Company. Lined with dark red plush with frontal design in centre. No mat or frame. No picture.

Octagonal Union Case 'General Marion Sharing Yams with British Officer'

85x95mm dark brown union case as 1990-5036/UC29. Back has been burnt and chipped. Diamond cut rectangular mat and patterned pinchbeck frame. Lined with purple plush with formal motif. 70x85mm ferrotype of little girl dressed in sailor suit dress with dog, c. 1905.

Rectangular Union Case 'Accented Oval' by S Peck & Co

circa 1857

90x97mm dark brown union case by S Peck and H Halverson. Die engraver Smith.'The Proud Elk'. Lined with red plush with formal design. Plain oval gilt mat. Patterned pinchbeck frame. 60x72mm daguerreotype of little boy seated full face. Wearing checked suit and holding hat.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Proud Elk', by S Peck and Company

circa 1860

45mm round dark brown union case with press-on lid. Formal design both sides. Round pinchbeck frame. 25mm round albumen print portrait of middle aged gentleman full face.

Small Round Union Case With 'Press-In' Lid

65x75mm light brown rectangular union case by S Peck & Co. Design shows two bunches of grapes on vine. Surrounded by rose and daisy design, both sides. Lined with purple plush with formal motif. Ornate heavy gilt mat. Patterned pinchbeck frame. Trade paper inside. 50x65mm three quarter lenght portrait of middle aged lady seated. Dressed in black, Fully tinted.

Rectangular Union Case by S Peck & Co

83x94mm dark brown union case by S. Peck and Company (Trade paper in back). Both sides have strawberry and grape design in middle with daisy and rose pattern around edges. Lined with purple plush with framed motif. Rectangular gilt mat oval with fluted edges by Scovill Manufacturing Company. Patterned pinchbeck frame. 62x65mm Albumen print of elderly lady paper in back says 'Alicia Campbell sister of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde'. Print in its own frame (probably not original to Union Case). Face and hands tinted. Print's frame is brown with gold edging.

Rectangular Dark Brown Union Case by S Peck and Company

85x95mm light brown union case, both sides having flower and scroll design. Dark red satin inside lining to lid. Containing oval locket with glass cover with three pieces of hair arranged in design. Locket embedded in dark red velvet pad outlined with dark red cord.

Union Case Containing Hair Locket

100x125mm dark brown union case by Scovelle Manufactring company. Front and back typical formal scroll design set in oval. Scroll design repeated in four corners. No plush. Trade paper. Plain oval gilt mat, no frame. 67x89mm collodion positive full length middle aged lady standing by ornate desk. Face tinted.

Rectangular Dark Brown Union Case by Scoville Manufacturing Company

122x100mm dark brown union case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller' by A P Critchlow and Company. One side slightly rubbed and chipped along edge. Lined with plain red plush. Waffled oval gilt mat. Pinchbeck frame. 70x90mm half length portrait of young gentleman seated three quarter face. somewhat marked.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller', A P Critchlow

circa 1857

90x95mm dark brown union case with oval abstract design both sides. Lined with plain red plush stamped with fuschia design. Plain oval gilt mat. Patterned pinchbeck frame. 55x70mm oval portrait of young woman seated with arm resting on table. Dress tinted lilac. Gilt on brooch, ring and necklace.

Union Case Containing Daguerreotype

90x97mm dark brown union case same as 1990-5036/UC09 and UC10.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Proud Elk' by S Peck and Halverson

circa 1860

90x100mm black union case with oval floral design both sides. Crack down one side, repaired. Containing two portraits. 55x65mm three quarter length portrait of young woman seated in buttonback carved chair. Oval pinchbeck mat and frame. 60x70mm half length portrait of young man seated full face. Oval gilt mat and pinchbeck frame (different to first).

Union Case Containing Two Collodion Positive Portraits

84x95mm light brown union case by Peck & Co. Strawberry and grape design both sides (see 1990-5036/UC07). Red plush with formal pattern (now faded brown). Rectangular gilt mat with fern design. Waffled pinchbeck frame. Trade mark inside 'J F Timms, 31 High Holborn'. No picture.

Union Case, Light Brown, By Peck & Company

88x98mm light brown union case by Peck and Halverson. Trade paper in back/ Delicate fern and floral design same front and back. Diamond design in centre has small half portrait of young girl with ringlets by window pointing to one of several photographs on desk in front. Bottom of case small shield design with the word 'Liberty' across it, surrounded by spear and flag. Purple plush lining with formal motif. Plain rectangular gilt mat with fluted edges. Patterned pinchbeck frame. 60x73mm collodion positive of young man seated three quarter face, three quarter portrait. Face tinted.

Light Brown Union Case by S Peck With H Halverson

Moulded 'Union' case decorated with angel (1½ x 2-inches); no photograph, by S.Peck & Co.

Moulded 'Union' case decorated with angel (1½ x 2-inches)

100x122mm black rectangular union case (as 1990-5036/UC41) Lined with purple plush with formal motif in centre. Patterned oval gilt mat with no frame. 68x95mm collodion positive portrait of elderly gentleman seated three quarter profile. Holding pipe.

Rectangular Union Case 'The Washington Monument, Richmond, VA' by S Peck

circa 1858

65x75mm light brown octagonal union case by S Peck & H Halverson. Formal oval design both sides. Brown plush lining (crimson but now faded) with formal motif. Oval gilt mat with pinchbeck frame. Trade paper inside. 70x80mm half length portrait of elderly lady seated three quarter face. Fully tinted.

Octagonal Union Case by S Peck & Halverson

circa 1855

85x95mm dark brown Union case. Small design in centre of both sides. Small shell and seaweed design around sides. No pictures.

Dark Brown Rectangular Union Case