Metal urn, decorated with moulded ropes, grapes, leaves and Gods, pedestal base, containing plaster, fair condition Metal urn
Glass spirit urn, late 19th century, with loose-fitting heavy cut-glass conical cap, nickel-plated bronze draw-off tap, body with etched measuring scale reading to 17 pints by 1/2 pints. Overall height (with cap) 27", base 10" diam., neck (at cap) 5 1/2" daim. Glass spirit urn, late 19th century 1801-1900
Decorated wooden urn and lid, with metal stand, Arabic, 1600-1800 Decorated wooden urn and lid, with metal stand, 1600-1800 1600-1800
Urn, British Railways, insulated hot water urn, one tap on swivel, two handles, lid chained, marked with BR logo, by A Smith & Sons. Metal hot water urn, BR
Two Adam-style cast iron urns, one a stove manufactured by the Carron Co., Falkirk, c. 1800 Two Adam-style cast iron urns 1800
Hot water urn, two handles, spout, no lid, strainer inside. Stamped MR. Also BTC logo previously scratched out. Overall: 310 mm x 425 mm x 307 mm, 11.05kg. Hot water urn