Object type
Place of origin
North British Railway printed General Parcels Waybill, filled in for a parcel being sent from Carlisle Citadel Station to Burgh, 20 March 1907.

North British Railway general parcels waybill (supplied title)


Waybill, Royal Mail, Coach and Railway Establishment, Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hull, for carriages 1/2d and poterage 6d for the total of 1/8d, Thomas Kaster and Henry Andrews Porters, printed by J. Such, London, December 1840.

Coach and Railway Establishment, Belle Sauvage


Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, Rugby to London, for the 12 o'clock train of 20th September 1840, for Mr. Jenkins for 13lbs of luggage.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill


Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, amount is illegible.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, Midland Railway, Mansfield to Sutton, 24 May 1898, Paid 6d (Six pence), Weight 3lbs (Three pounds), 12.05 train, (Other IDs 80/17/164).

Midland Railway

Waybill, Royal Mail, Coach and Railway Belle Sauvage, printed by J. Such, London, October, 1841.

Royal Mail, Coach and Railway Belle Sauvage waybill


Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 3/4d for F.B. Thompson, Manchester to London, 13th August 1840.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, London & South Western Railway, items going from Portsmouth Dock to Brading on the Isle of Wight.

London & South Western Railway waybill

Waybills, Royal Mail Coach & Railway Establishment, Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, 2 Waybills, Thomas Kaster & Thomas Beenham, Re stagecoaches from Ludgate Hill, 1844, (Other IDs 79/17/19).

Two waybills, Royal Mail Coach & Railway Establishment, Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill


Waybill, North British Railway, Coach Waybill from Edinburgh to Newcastle, 1846

North British Railway coach waybill


Waybill, Golden Cross Charing Cross, From royal mail, Porters Thomas Baskerville and Charles Sanderson.

Golden Cross Charing Cross Royal Mail Waybill

Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, 11th September 1840.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill


Waybill, Edinburgh & Glasgow, Departure from Glasgow station, 6.15 train, September 1863, (Other IDs 76/25/28).

Edinburgh & Glasgow


Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 2/1d.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Parcels waybill, from Cross Keys, Wood Street, Cheapside, Porter George Hibbert, proprietor B.W. & H. Horne.

Parcels waybill from Cross Keys

Waybill, four, Great Western Railway, for Paddington Station, 1867.

Great Western Railway waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 17th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Taff Vale Railway parcels waybill from Merthyr to Hereford Great Western. Dated 13th September 1867.

Taff Vale Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Taff Vale Railway parcels waybill from Merthyr to Hereford Great Western. Dated 20th September 1867.

Taff Vale Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Great Eastern Railway, for perishable and other miscellaneous traffic by passenger train, Used on 27th August 1884.

waybill for perishable and other miscellaneous traffic by passenger train


Waybill, Stockton & Darlington Railway, 'From Bitchburn Colliery', 1862.

From Bitchburn Colliery


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 16th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 21st May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 13th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Southern Railway insured and value parcels from London, 1947.

insured and value parcels waybill


Waybill, South Eastern & Chatham Railway, 1906.

South Eastern & Chatham Railway waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 17th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 19th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, Great Western Railway parcels waybill from Birmingham to Hereford. Dated 17th May 1864.

Great Western Railway parcel waybill


Waybill, London Chatham & Dover Railway, Unused.

London Chatham & Dover Railway waybill

Book of blank Midland & Great Northern Railways Joint Committee Miscellaneous Traffic Way Bills. Printed in 1932. Document no. ERO 60182.

Midland & Great Northern Railways Joint Committee Miscellaneous Traffic Way Bills


Great Northern Railway - local abstract of Local Goods received at Bingham from Barnet for the month ending November 1869.

Great Northern Railway blank waybill

Bill for Messrs J Wheeler & Son, Littlehampton, Dr to London Brighton & South Coast Railway for carriage of furniture from Fittleworth Station with details of conditions, 16 December 1907.

London Brighton & South Coast Railway bill


Great Northern Railway - local abstract of Local Goods forwarded from Bingham to Nottingham for the month ending November 1869. With description of trraffic which includes grain

Great Northern Railway Abstract of Local Goods forwarded from Bingham to Nottingham


Midland Railway Parcel Waybill. Illegible. Dated 23rd December 1872.

Midland Railway waybill


MSLR waybill from Sheffield to Bingham from 23 December 1872.

MSLR waybill 1872


NER parcels waybill (unused), 1915

NER parcels waybill (unused), 1915


LNER parcels waybill (Filey - unused)

LNER parcels waybill (Filey - unused)

NER Passengers luggage in advance waybill (unused), 1915

NER Passengers luggage in advance waybill (unused), 1915


Waybill, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Livestock, mainly filled out for the transportation of sheep, cattle and pigs, September 1870.

Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Livestock Waybill

Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 3/5d.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 3/.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 2/6d.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill. London & Birmingham Railway, for 6/2d, with address of Garrick Club on the reverse.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, The Kington and Eardisley Railway Company, Parcels waybill No 18, Lyom Hall to Leominster, 13 March 1876.

Kington and Eardisley Railway Company parcels waybill


Waybill, Midland Railway, For miscellaneous traffic by passenger trains, 23 May 1898, To pay £1/1/6 (One pound, one shilling and sixpence), (Other IDs 80/17/166).

Midland Railway

Waybill, R. Cheal, Carrier, Windsor, August 1845, (Other IDs 79/17/17).

R. Cheal


Waybill, London & Birmingham Railway, for 2/2d.

London & Birmingham Railway waybill

Waybill, pad of, Southwold Railway, 'This Waybill Must Not Be Used For Fish, Game, Dead Rabbits, Poultry (Live or Dead), Including Pigeons, Meat, Tripe, Butter, Cheese, Vegetables including Watercress, Eggs, Fruit, or Ice in Quantities of 2 cwt and Upwards', Unused.

Waybill pad, Southwold Railway

Book of Midland & Great Northern Railways Joint Committee General Parcels Way Bills, stamped "Not to be used for Miscellaneous Traffic." Document no. ERO 60184.

Midland & Great Northern Railways Joint Committee General Parcels Way Bills