1x500g container of Hamamelis Ointment BPC (witch hazel) by Thornton and Ross Ltd., 1950-1980 1x500g container of Hamamelis Ointment BPC (witch hazel) by Thornton and Ross Ltd. 1950-1980
1x250 ml bottle of Tinct. Hamamelidis B.P. 1914 (witch hazel tincture), by Wright Layman and Umney, 1920-1960 Bottle of Tinct. Hamamelidis B.P. 1920-1960
1x500 ml bottle of witch hazel water, by Ayrton Saunders and Co., 1940-1980 Bottle of witch hazel water 1940-1980
1x2oz bottle of Ext. Hamam. Liq. (liquid extract of witch hazel), by Clark, Nettleship and Bailey, Leicester, 1936 Bottle of liquid extract of witch hazel 1936