Object type

Description of a Railway on a New Principle


The Principles & Practice & Explanation of the Machinery of Locomotive Engines


Observations on a General Iron Rail-way or Land Steam-Conveyance


The Official Guide to the London & North Western Railway


Journey to Spain of The Royal Highness Prince Henry of Battenberg and Princess Victoria Eugenie


An Accurate Description of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway

The Railways of the United Kingdom


The London & Birmingham Railway


Third Series of Railway Practice


A Train Errant: the experiences of a voluntary unit in France & an anthology from their magazine


A Practical Treatise on Rail-Roads by Nicholas Wood


How he Reigned and How he Mizzled : a railway raillery by Alfred Crowquill.


A Handbook of the Whitehaven and Furness Railway


Journey of HM Queen Alexandra and suite


Booklet, Cambrian Railways, Rules and Regulations1894 for Working Electric Train Tablet, paper cover.

Rules and Regulations booklet for Working Electric Train Tablet, Cambrian Railways


Rule book, Great Western Railway, Rules and Regulations, 1876.

Rules and Regulations Book, Great Western Railway


Guidebook, London & North Eastern Railway, "LNER Half Day Excursions from Kings Cross, Liverpool Street and Marylebone", July 1939, dates and times of excursions, 8 pages, soft cover, stamped 'DES NRM'.

LNER: Half Day Excursions from Kings Cross, Liverpool Street and Marylebone


Book, "Second Series of Railway Practice", by S. C. Brees, 1840, published by John Williams & Co., 124 pages, 61 plates, cloth binding (modern NRM).

Second Series of Railway Practice


Book of "Decisions of the Railway Staff National Tribunal" from 1936-1952. Decisions Nos. 1-14, published by British Railways Special Joint Comittee on Machinery of Negotiation. Volume I.

Decisions of the Railway Staff National Tribunal 1936-1952. Decisions Nos. 1-14. Volume I


Book compiled of "Central Wages Board Minutes of Meetings, " from March 1920 to September 1921 (Nos. 1-23) and November 1921 to the end of 1926 (Nos. 1-213.) Volume 1, 342p. The Central Wages Board consisted of representatives from the railway companies, the National Union of Railwaymen and the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen.

Central Wages Board Minutes- Mar 1920-Sept 1921 (Nos. 1-23.) Nov 1921-1926 (Nos. 1-213.) Vol1


Book of "Decisions of the National Wages Board" from 1920 to 1926, published by the Railways Staff Conference in 1927. Volume I, 291p. The National Wages Board consisted of representatives of the railway companies, National Union of Railwaymen, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen, railway users, and an independent chairman appointed by the Government.

Decisions of the National Wages Board. Period-1920-1926. Volume I. Decisions 1-72.


Book compiled from printed minutes of the Rail Staff National Council, from 21 May 1935 to 14 December 1955. Published by the Rail Staff National Council. 394p.

Rail Staff National Council Minutes 1-384


Pamphlet. A supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally, explaining particularly the Liverpool and Manchester : also, the Leeds, Selby, and Hull rail-roads : the consequent great change that will be effected by them on property, with respect to innkeepers, coach proprietors, coach offices, carriers by land & water, and farmers; and which will shew that horse-power is cheaper, preferable, and more expeditious than locomotive engines, in the conveyance of passengers and merchandise upon the lines of road : also, a description of an inclined-plane, when it cannot be avoided; with machinery to assist the horses. Likewise, two plates; one shewing a single line of rail-road from Liverpool to Manchester, with three passing places only, equal to a double one, all the way, for coaches and light carriages travelling ten to twelve miles an hour. The other plate represents the termination of the intended East London rail-road, where twenty carriages can go off an enter upon it at the same time, without the least delay or confusion.

Supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally


Book titled "National Agreements on behalf of All Railway Employees (except shopmen)" published by the National Union of Railwaymen, February 1923. 283p.

National Agreements on behalf of All Railway Employees (except shopmen)


Book of "Decisions of the National Wages Board" from 1927 to 1931, published by the National Wages Board in 1932. Volume II, 243p. The National Wages Board consisted of representatives of the railway companies, National Union of Railwaymen, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen, railway users, and an independent chairman appointed by the Government.

Decisions of the National Wages Board. Period-1927-1931. Volume II. Decisions 73-144.


Book of "Decisions of the Chairman of the Railway Staff National Tribunal 1938-1952." Decisions Nos. 1-57, published by British Railways Special Joint Committee on Machinery of Negotiation. Volume I.

Decisions of the Chairman of the Railway Staff National Tribunal 1938-1952. Nos. 1-57 Vol1


Book "The Unfinished History of the Railway Convalescent Homes" by John Whitehouse.

The Unfinished History of the Railway Convalescent Homes

[Thesis] 'The social definition of British railways since 1865: with special reference to those of England' / D.C.H. Watts. 1999. [Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Geography, University of Bristol. xii + 459p. Includes colour photos (43) of railway advertising posters]

The social definition of British railways since 1865: with special reference to those of England


Book; Mechanics for Practical Men. Written by Hann, J & Dodds, I. 208 pages.

Mechanics for Practical Men


Book; Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam Engine for the use of Beginners. Written by Lardner, D. 130 pages. Title page missing.

Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam Engine for the use of Beginners

Book; The Official Guide to the London & North Western Railway. 18th Edition. 556 pages.

The Official Guide to the London & North Western Railway


Book, Report on the Great North of England Railway, by Thomas Storey, printed by Coates and Farmer, Darlington, 1836, card covers, 25 pages.

Report on the Great North of England Railway


Book: A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads and Carriages. Written by Tredgold, T. 2nd Edition. 184 pages & 4 plates.

A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads and Carriages


Book; The Dover Road Sketch Book. Written by Brady, J.H. 154 pages & index. Poor binding.

The Dover Road Sketchbook


Book; The Official Illustrated Guides, South Eastern, Northern of France Railways. Undated. 324+164+110 pages.

The Official Illustrated Guides, South Eastern, Northern of France Railways

Book; Museum of Science and Art, Volumes 5&6. 208 pages (+208), and published by Walton and Maberly, London, England

The Museum of Science and Art volumes 5&6


Book; A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines. Written by de Pambour, F.M.G. 583 pages & 5 plates.

A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines


Book, Railways Steamers and Telegraphs, by George Dodd, illustrated with engravings by Green, printed and published by W & R Chambers, 1868, hard covers embossed in gold, 326 pages, specially bound for St Edwards School, Oxford.

Railways, Steamers and Telegraphs


Book; The Official Guide to the Great Eastern Railway. 11th Edition. 404 pages.

The Official Guide to the Great Eastern Railway


Pamphlet; Samuel Hall's Address to the British Association, Explanatory of the injustice done to his improvements on Steam Engines by Dr Lardner. Written by Hall, S. 20 pages & 2 plates.

Samuel Hall's Address to the British Association


Book; Specifications of John Burkinshaw's Patent. 14+8 pages & 1 plate.

Specifications of John Burkinshaw's Patent


Book, A History of the English Railway, Vol 1, by John Francis, published by Willoughby & Co, printed by Longman et al, 1851, hard covers, 308 pages.

A History of the English Railway


Book, A History of the English Railway, Vol 2, by John Francis, published by Willoughby & Co, printed by Longman et al, 1851, hard covers, 282 pages, includes reviews of books concerning Stock Exchange and Bank of England.

A History of the English Railway


Book: A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads and Carriages. Written by Tredgold, T. 184 pages & 4 plates.

A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads and Carriages


Book, The Lives of the Engineers - Smeaton and Rennie, by Samuel Smiles, published by John Murray, printed by William Clowes & Sons, London, illustrated by Nather Brown and others, 1874, hard covers, 389 pages.

The Lives of the Engineers - Smeaton and Rennie


Book, The Life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel (Second Edition), by Richard Beamish, published by Longman Green, printed by Spottiswoode & Co, illustrated by H Wyatt, 1862, hard covers, 357 pages.

The Life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel


Book; The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia., Volume 1. Written by Herbert, L. 796 pages. Leather binding.

The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia, Volume 1


Book, T Phillips, Humours of the Iron Road, undated, 84pp.

Humours of the Iron Road

Book; The Official Guide to the South Eastern & Chatham Railway. 8th Edition. 432 pages.

The Official Guide to the South Eastern & Chatham Railway


Book, "Stockton & Darlington Railway and Cleveland Railway", 1859, 221 pages, original card binding, ex J P Inman.

Stockton & Darlington Railway and Cleveland Railway