Spectacles in silver case prestented to Mr William Oliver by the workmen at the NE railway shops Gateshead, October 1872

Ceramic plate, London & North Eastern Railway - Felix Hotel

Ceramic dressing table tray, London & North Eastern Railway - Felix Hotel

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

Ceramic teapot, London & North Eastern Railway

Silver plated tea urn, St Pancras Chambers

Chamber pot, London & North Eastern Railway - Felixstowe Railway Hotel

Ceramic chamber pot, London Midland & Scottish Railway

Champagne coupe, Central Argentine Railway

Ceramic side dish, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, ex Morecambe Bay Hotel

Ceramic chamber pot, Midland Railway - Midland Grand Hotel

Wine glass, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels

Saucer, ceramic, by Alfred Meakin

Midland Railway chamber pot

Ceramic cup, London & North Eastern Railway

White earthenware jug

British Railways (Eastern Region) pint glass

Great Northern Railway, Refreshment Rooms pint glass

Champagne coupe, Central Argentine Railway

Breakfast cup, London Midland & Scottish Railway

Ceramic chamber pot, Bath Hotel - Felixstowe

Ceramic cup, London & North Eastern Railway

Water filter lid and base, Shropshire Union Railway & Canal

Ceramic plate, London & North Eastern Railway - Felix Hotel, Felixstowe

Royal footwarmer, Great Western Railway

Ceramic dish, Felix Hotel

Wine glass, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Welcombe Hotel

Silver plated tea urn, Great Central Railway from St Pancras Chambers

Ceramic cup, London & North Eastern Railway

Ceramic vase, London & North Eastern Railway

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

Ceramic chamber pot, Great Central Railway

Ceramic milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway

China teapot, London & North Eastern Railway

Chamber pot, Glasgow & South Western Railway - Hotel

Ceramic water jug, London & North Eastern Railway

Ceramic teacup, London & North Eastern Railway

Silver plated toast rack, Newhaven - Dieppe Service

Side dish

Ceramic plate, Great Western Railway - Refreshment Department

London & North Eastern Railway Marine half pint glass

Serving dish, London & North Eastern Railway

Notice, cardboard and tin

Liquid measure

British Rail sick bag

Rollasole shoes

Footwarmer, South Eastern & Chatham Railway

Silver plated teaspoon, British Rail

Footwarmer, London & North Eastern Railway