J.A.P. 45 H.P. 8 cyl. O.H.V. V-type aero engine, 1909, No. 1111, with Eisemann Magneto and J.A.P. carburettor, by J A Prestwich Industries Limited, Tottenham, London, England, 1908 J.A.P. 45 H.P. 8 cyl. O.H.V. V-type aero engine 1908
[Blueprint] General arrangement of 6 & 8 H.P. Twin Engine (Air Cooled) / J. A. Prestwich & Co. 1920 Oct. [Scale 1 : 1] Blueprint, General arrangement of 6 & 8 H.P. Twin Engine (Air Cooled) 1920
Prestwich kinematograph camera for wide film, 1898. No lens. Feet per second dial. Film magazine fitted. Prestwich Manufacturing Co, London. Prestwich Kinematograph Camera 1898
Prestwich 35mm cine camera, Model 4, serial number 596 with Aldis Anastigmat F/3.0 2 inch lens no 110208 and 2 external magazines. (2007-5005/7/1, 2007-5005/7/2, 2007-5005/7/3) Prestwich 35mm Cine Camera, Model 4 circa 1898
[Papers, chiefly photographs and publicity material, re J.A Prestwich & Co., mainly re engine and motorcycle production / J.A. Prestwich & Co. Ltd. 1890s-1950s. Comprises photos re Prestwich family, JAP motorcycles and motors, Prestwich company premises; printed booklets and trade literature; details of company finances 1945-52, etc. 2 boxes + box of glass negs. Listing available] Papers, chiefly photographs and publicity material 1890-1959