Jasperware tobacco pipe, stub stem bowl, blue and white, very badly shattered, by Josiah Wedgwood, Staffordshire, England, 1850-1900 Jasperware tobacco pipe 1850-1900
[Letter] 1768 May 4, Burslem [to Matthew Boulton] / Josiah Wedgwood. [2p. on 1 leaf. Chiefly re his own incapacity with a bad knee. Messrs. Morcams' order will be packed shortly] Letter 1768 May 4 1768
Description and use of a thermometer for measuring the higher degrees of heat, from a red heat up to the strongest that vessels made of clay can support / Josiah Wedgwood. [Published by Joseph Cooper, London, 1784, 26p. 'Extracted from a Paper communicated by him [Wedgwood] to the Royal Society May 9th, 1782, and published in Vol.LXXII of the Philosophical Transactions. On ScM neg. 705/67. Associated with inv. no. 1927-1812, a Wedgwood pyrometer etc. in the George III collection] Description and use of a thermometer for measuring the higher degrees of heat 1784