Formerly a volume, now a portfolio of loose sheets: North Midland Railway drawings, 30 sheets. Portfolio of drawings from the North Midland Railway 1838
Miscellaneous printed papers sent to Messrs. W. and R. Wilson of Hunslet, Leeds, relating to their ownership of shares in the North Midland Railway (NMR), 1841-1846. 5 items, as follows: List of prices of shares in canals, railways etc. by J. H. & G. Ridsdale, Share Brokers, 12 January 1841, enclosing certificate of North Midland Railway shares (now missing); circular letter from the Secretary of the North Midland Railway re dividends on shares, 1 March 1842; North Midland Railway statement of capital and revenue accounts, 31 December 1841 to 30 June 1842; Leeds share list by William Walker, 1 September 1842; proceedings of the fourth half-yearly general meeting of the Midland Railway, 19 January 1846. Papers relating to shares in the North Midland Railway (supplied title) 1841-1846
Circular letter from the Secretary of the North Midland Railway re dividends on shares, 1 March 1842. Written by the secretary R. Frost. Sent to Mr. W. Wilson of Hunslet, Leeds. North Midland Railway Circular 1842
North Midland Railway statement of capital and revenue accounts, 31 December 1841 to 30 June 1842. North Midland Railway statement of accounts 1842