Object type
[Rigging plans of S.S. Holyrood No. 35] / Smith & Rodger, Engineers & Iron Ship Builders, Glasgow & Govan. [2 sheets, line drawing/ink & wash, scale 1/8" : 1'. Ship built for Barclay & Cook]

Rigging plans of S.S. Holyrood No. 35


[Rigging plan of No. 27 S.S. Astrologer, 1850. Bears stamp of Smith & Rodger, Engineers & Iron Ship Builders, Glasgow & Govan. 1 sheet, ink on paper]

Rigging plan of No. 27 S.S. Astrologer


[Plans (2) of screw schooner 'European' / Smith & Rodger. 1850. 2 sheets (on roll), line drawings, scales 1" : 8'; 1" : 4'. Comprise rigging plan and lines, latter bearing principal dimensions]

Plans (2) of screw schooner 'European'


[Plans (2) of no. 25 screw schooner 'Diana' / Smith & Rodger. 1849. 2 sheets (on roll), line drawings, scales 1" : 8'; 1" : 4'. Comprise rigging plan, bearing 'list of blocks ...', and lines, bearing principal dimensions. Built for J. Malcolmson, Waterford]

Plans (2) of no. 25 screw schooner 'Diana'


[Rigging plan of no. 22 paddle steamer 'Fair Trader' / Smith & Rodger. 1848. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing]

Rigging plan of no. 22 paddle steamer 'Fair Trader'


[Plans (3) of no. 63 S.S. "Henriette" / Smith & Rodger. 1857. 3 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, scales various. Comprise rigging plan; drawing re stern port and rudder; lines]

Plans (3) of no. 63 S.S. "Henriette"


[Plan of lines of no. 47 ship "Greenock" / Smith & Rodger. 1854. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, scale 1/4" : 1'. Built for James Richardson & Co.]

Plan of lines of no. 47 ship "Greenock"


[Rigging plan of the Carron Company's screw schooners 33 and 34 'Clyde' and 'Carron' / Smith & Rodger. 1851. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, scale 1/8" : 1']

Rigging plan of the Carron Company's screw schooners 33 and 34 'Clyde' and 'Carron'


[Drawings (3) of no. 85 screw steamer 'Penn' / Smith & Rodger. 1862. 3 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, one with wash, scales 1" : 1', 1" : 8', 1" : 4'. Comprise stern and rudder frames, rigging plan, lines. Built for Malcolmson Brothers, Waterford]

Drawings (3) of no. 85 screw steamer 'Penn'


[Rigging plan of S.S. Syrian / Smith & Rodger, Engineers & Iron Ship Builders, Glasgow & Govan. 1854. Ink and colour wash, scale 1/8" : 1']

Rigging plan of S.S. Syrian / Smith & Rodger

[Drawing of ship] SS No 65 ['Queen'] Stern and rudder frames / Smith and Rodger, Engineers and Iron Shipbuilders, Glasgow. 1861 May 3. [Ink & colour wash, scale 1" : 1'. No. 65 in the drawings title has been crossed out in pencil and No. 80 added]

Drawing of ship SS No 65 'Queen'


[Ship's plan] No. 99 S.S. Atalanta / Smith & Rodger, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, Glasgow & Govan. [1863. Stern frame and rudder. Ink and wash on paper]

Ship's plan No. 99 S.S. Atalanta


[Rigging plan of no. 17 paddle steamer 'Lion' / Smith & Rodger. 1847. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, scale 1" : 8'. Built for J. Malcolmson, Waterford]

Rigging plan of no. 17 paddle steamer 'Lion'


[Plans (2) of ship 'Flora' / Smith & Rodger. 1848. 2 sheets (on roll with others, line drawings. Comprise rigging plan, lines]

Plans (2) of ship 'Flora'


[Rigging plan of ship no. 75 S.S. 'Beta' / Smith & Rodger. 1860 Apr. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, part with wash, scale 1/8" : 1'. Built for Malcolmson Brothers, Waterford]

Rigging plan of ship no. 75 S.S. 'Beta'


[Plans (2) of screw schooner 'Formosa', formerly 'Caledonia' / Smith & Rodger. 1851. 2 sheets (on roll with others), pencil drawing & line drawing, scales 1/8" : 1', 1 1/2" : 1'. Comprise rigging plan and hull plan]

Plans (2) of screw schooner 'Formosa'


[Plans (2) of no. 86 ship "Hannibal" / Smith & Rodger. 1862. 2 sheets (on roll with others) line drawings, one with wash, scales 1" : 1'; 3" : 8'? Comprise drawing of stern frame and rudder; lines]

Plans (2) of no. 86 ship "Hannibal"


[Arrangement drawings (2) of S.S. Albatross / Smith & Rodger. 1850 Apr. 2 sheets (on roll), line drawings, scales 1":8'; 1":4'. Comprise lines, rigging plan. Built for Cork Steam Packet Co.]

Arrangement drawings (2) of S.S. Albatross


[Plans (2) of ship no. 69, S.S. "Stella" / Smith & Rodger. 1859. 2 sheets on roll, scales 1/8" : 1', 3" : 8'. Comprise rigging plan and arrangement drawing. Ship built by Smith & Rodger, Glasgow & Govan, Engineers & Iron Ship Builders for Malcolmson Bros., Waterford]

Plans (2) of ship no. 69


[Plans (2) of no. 38 screw schooner 'Ondine' / Smith & Rodger. 1851. 2 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, scales 1/8" : 1'; 1" : 4'. Comprise rigging plan, lines. Built for J Malcolmson, Waterford]

Plans (2) of no. 38 screw schooner 'Ondine'


[Drawings (3) of ship "Remington" / Smith & Rodger. 1862. 3 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, one with wash, scales various. Comprise end elevation of rigging, stern and rudder frames, lines]

Drawings (3) of ship "Remington"