Square glass bottle with cork stopper 3/4 full of Tincture of Aconite BP 1885 (see note) Glass bottle for tincture of aconite
Amber glass ribbed bottle with cork stopper approx. 1/2 full of aconite tincture. English, 1949-1960 Glass bottle containing aconite tincture
Green glass ribbed poison bottle, half-full, with two labels. Most recent label is for Linament of Aconite, Belladonna and Chloroform (see note) Poison bottle
Cardboard box containing: 6 boxes of strychnine sulphate hypodermic tablets in glass phials, 1 box of physostigmine sulphate hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 1 box of digitalin and strychnine hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 1 box of strophanthan hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 2 boxes of sparteine sulphate hypodermic tablets in glass phials, one glass phial of strychnine sulphate, 8 small hypodermic tablets phials containing strychnine sulphate, 1 small glass phial of hypodermic tablets of mercuric chloride (calomel), 1 small glass phial of hypodermic tablets containing ergotinine citrate, 1 large glass phial of hypodermic tablets of adrenaline, 1 large glass phial of hypodermic tablets of aconite cryst., 1 small glass phial with hypodermic tablets of strophanthin. Despite label on outer box, does not contain any controlled drugs such as apomorphine. English, twentieth century Box containing strychnine sulphate tablets
Green glass ribbed poison bottle with glass stopper full of Aconite Linament (see note) Poison bottle containing aconite linament