On Display
Object type

Wrought iron coffee mill with circular lidded hopper


Double block of four Ash's anatomical upper posterior porcelain tube teeth


Block of 6 lower procelain anterior dowel crowns


Set of 4 "Anatoform" upper posterior tube teeth


Block of Ash's platinum alloy porcelain anterior crown tips


Three blocks of Ash's posterior tube teeth, London, England, 1909-1925


Set of 4 upper posterior tube teeth


Two blocks of 4 upper posterior porcelain tube teeth, 'anatoform', by Dentists' Supply Co. , USA, 1912-1930

Two blocks of 4 upper posterior porcelain tube teeth


Wood block, with metal die, of Dean's metal, die maker unknown, metal commemorates J.B. Doye, block and die English 1900-1940

Wood block


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medalist Fove? commemorates de Mauvillain, original medal struck 1668, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates C.L. Alleaume, original medal made in 1775, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die mamer unknown medal commemorates Sallin. Block and die English, 1900-1940 Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Sallin Block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Martinenq, Dean 1746-1748, original artist unknown, medal made 1748, block and dies English 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal, die maker unknown medal commemorates Antoine-Jean Morand, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Mahieu, Dean 1692, original medal struck 1692, block and die's English 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Woodcut block and pull of barber shaving customer, 19th century

Woodcut block and pull of barber shaving customer


Wood block with metal die of medal issued by the Royal Medical Commission in 1772, die maker unknown block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of medal issued by the Royal Medical Commission in 1772


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Le Vacher de la Feutrie, original medallist Duvivier, original medal 1780, block and die's English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Blondel, original artist unknown, medal 1660, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates J. Garde, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal


Wood block with metal die of medal of the Societe Royale de Medecine, medallist Duvivier, die maker unknown, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of medal of the Societe Royale de Medecine


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, original medallist Duvivier, 1756, medal commemorates Boyer, Dean of Paris Medical School, block and dies English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates M.Antoine Morand, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's medal


Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal, commemorates Moreau, die maker unknown, block and die English, 1900-1940

Wood block with metal die of Dean's Medal


Wood block with die of medal, die maker unknown, medal commemorates Guillotin, original medal struck 1810, block and dies English, 1900-1940

Wood block with die of medal


Two sets of pinned upper anterior porcelain teeth "Anatoform Flatbacks", USA, 1920-1935

Two sets of pinned upper anterior porcelain teeth "Anatoform Flatbacks"


Two sets of pinned lower anterior porcelain teeth, Solida Vulcanite, USA, 1920-1935

Two sets of pinned lower anterior porcelain teeth


2 sets of 4 psterior "Nuform" tube teeth, upper and lower, by the Universal Dental Co., USA, 1910-1940

2 sets of 4 psterior "Nuform" tube teeth


Two sets of 4 anatomical tube teeth, upper and lower posteriors, by Ash, England, 1930-1940

Two sets of 4 anatomical tube teeth
