Object type
Two armbands, made of carved human bone beads, strung on threads, used in necromantic rites, Tibetan, 19th century

Two Ritual armbands for use in necromancy


Necklace of human bones, covered with red ochre, amuletic, from Queensland, Australia, 1880-1910

Necklace of human bones


Ceremonial ancestral male skull with features rebuilt with clay and fibre and painted forming mask, real hair embedded in skull, on wooden stand, from Sepik River region, New Guinea, 1871-1920

Ceremonial ancestral male skull with features rebuilt with clay and fibre and painted forming mask


Apron made from carved human bone beads, strung on threads, and in necromantic rites, Tibetan, 19th century

Apron made from carved human bone beads


Skull with mandible mature human, showing effects of leprosy, from a medieval Danish cemetary, reputedly c. 1350

Skull with mandible mature human


Human mummified hand, skin of wrist used to create two horn-like straps for suspending round neck, powerful charm, taken from medicine man's neck after he was killed by Belgian troops, Congolese, 1880-1900

Human mummified hand


Bone flute, made from bone of ancestor, called "Koauau", decorated with carved curvilinear design, played in cases of difficult parturition, Maori, from New Zealand, 1851-1920

Bone flute


Ceremonial ancestral skull of child, artificially deformed, features rebuilt and painted forming mask, with fibre string attached, from Malekula, New Hebrides, 1871-1900

Ceremonial ancestral skull of child


4 human bones carved to sharp point one end, tapered and rounded the other, from Tana Island, New Hebrides, 1871-1900

4 human bones carved to sharp point one end


Pectoral made of carved human bone beads, strung on threads, and in necromantic rites, Tibetan, 19th century

Pectoral made of carved human bone beads


Lower leg bones (tibia & Fibila), mature human, showing effects of leprosy, from a medieval Danish cemetary, reputedly c. 1350

Skeleton showing the effects of leprosy, Netherlands, 1350-1500


Shrunken head with long hair, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador

Shrunken head with long hair

before 1931

Shrunken head with long hair, by Jivano tribe, Ecuador

Shrunken head with long hair

before 1935

Skull with healed wound on left temple, from Qumran cemetery, West Bank, 1st century AD

Skull with healed wound on left temple

1-99 CE

Necklet of red painted human bones, probably amuletic, Andaman Islands, India, 1881-1920

Amuletic necklace of bones


Two bracelets made of carved human bone, strung on threads, Tibetan, 19th century

Two bracelets made of carved human bone


Pair of leprous bones, femurs, perhaps South American, 1600-1930

Pair of leprous bones


Skull with mandible and lower leg bones (tibia & Fibila), mature human, showing effects of leprosy, from a medieval Danish cemetary, reputedly c. 1350

Skull with mandible and lower leg bones (tibia & Fibila)


Instrument, possibly lime spatula or knife, made from human bone, said to be used for decapitating, from New Guinea, 1801-1920

Instrument, possibly lime spatula or knife


Human skull, lower mandible missing, crude incised design on forehead, kept as trophy, from New Guinea, 1801-1920

Human skull


Male, ceremonial ancestral skull, artificially deformed, features rebuilt and painted forming mask, with wig, on wooden display stand, from Malekula, New Hebrides, 1871-1920

Ceremonial ancestral skull


Apron of human bone beads strung on threads, used in necromantic rites, Tibetan, 19th century

Apron of human bone beads strung on threads


Apron made from carved human bone beads and girdle, mounted on green silk backing, Tibetan, 19th century

Apron made from carved human bone beads and girdle


Pectoral with back yoke, made of carved human bone, strung on threads, Tibetan, 19th century

Pectoral with back yoke


Apron made of carved human bones, ivory plaque, turquoise bead, and small metal bulb, strung on threads, Tibetan, 19th century

Apron made of carved human bones


Collection of a dozen human bones used at the artistic anatomy class taught by Dr. Paul Ferdinand Gachet (1828-1909), France, 1855-1900.

Collection of a dozen human bones used at the artistic anatomy class taught by Dr. Paul Ferdinand Gachet (1828-1909)


'Temex' radiological phantom in 3 sections, rubber and bone, by James Girdler and Co., Upper Ordnance Wharf, 458 Rotherhithe Street, London, SE16, 1979.

Radiological phantom, London, England, 1979


Bone, remnant, human, found in 'cannibal's' cave, found at Cana, Basutoland, South Africa, 1700-1920

Bone, remnant, human


Neolithic burial illustrating urinary calculi in Sudanese tribe, from Jebel Moya, 1000-400BC, excavated by Sir H. Wellcome, 1910-1914

Neolithic burial illustrating urinary calculi in Sudanese tribe

1000-400 BCE

Shrunken head with long hair, said to be that of Tibi, a chief of the "Antipas", Peru

Shrunken head with long hair

before 1933