Metal bottle of pantothenic acid tablets by Vitamins Limited, from Savory and Moore, made in England (?) 1950-1970 Metal bottle of pantothenic acid tablets by Vitamins Limited
Metal bottle of Rotercholon tablets, by Pharmaceutische Fabriek Roter, from Savory and Moore, made in Netherlands (?), 1950-1970 Metal bottle of Rotercholon tablets
Metal bottle of Paludrine tablets, by ICI, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1960 Metal bottle of Paludrine tablets
Metal bottle of Perandren tablets, with contents, 10mg methyltestosterone in the form of linguets, by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970 Metal bottle of Perandren tablets 1950-1970
Metal bottle of Perandren tablets, with contents, 10mg methyltestosterone, in the form of linguets by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970 Metal bottle of Perandren tablets 1950-1970