6 tubular bottles, clear glass, in cardboard box, containing type of test paper, German, 1900-1918 6 tubular bottles 1900-1918
Medicine chest, mahogany, containing 15 glass bottles and 5 ointment jars with labelled drawers, pewter eyebath and pewter measuring cups, funnel, weights, British, 19th century Medicine chest 1801-1890
Pocket medicine case, holding 4 rectangular bottles, stoppered, three cylindrical bone screw top vessels, 1 small measuring cylinder, English, 1830-1860 Pocket medicine case, holding 4 rectangular bottles, stoppered, three cylindrical bone screw top vessels, 1 small measuring cylinder, English, 1830-1860 Pocket medicine case 1830-1860
Bottle, clear glass, quarter full, for lavender water, English, late 19th century Bottle, clear glass 1850-1900